Ball Ground is a clean and attractive town, and a steadily-growning one. It has an excellent school system and two churches, Methodist and Baptist; supports a number of prosperous commercial establishments, including a bank and a hotel, in addition to its industrial enterprises; and contains many attractive homes. There are no finer people anywhere than its citizens. If yo are thinking of moving to Ball Ground or need to take a look ar some Ball Ground Georgia Real Estate For Sale just call Dwayne West with Solid Source Realty-Ball Ground.
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Content, coding, marketing, host. - Marietta, GA
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Ball ground really is a growing community and I'm doing more and more FHA and USDA home loans there. Since we're only a few minutes down the road and my sister lives there I try to get up more often. I may even become a customer soon as long as the USDA funds for 100% financing hold out!
Oct 11, 2010 08:13 AM