I write this today with a heavy heart. My beautiful new puppy, Chelsea, is being spayed RIGHT NOW. I know it happens every day but I am having a hard time thinking she will suffer in pain. It hurts me to have to do this to my little angel.
Over the years we have saved many dogs on the brink of early death. There is such an over population of domestic animals without homes that we cannot support it. It is a shame so many innocent lives are ended too soon. As humans we have a responsibility to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves.
Below are pictures of a few dogs we have saved within days or hours of their demise. The world is a better place because they are in it.
Sigmund rescued from a shelter in The Colony, TX.
Walter (Wally) followed us home and no one claimed him.
Duchess rescued within hours of her demise.
Duchess and Maxine pictured with my children, Amanda and Loren, when they were much younger. Maxine was rescued within minutes of her demise.
Begger was adopted by my father from Operation Kindness (a no kill shelter). When my father passed we welcomed him into our home.
My Chelsea. A seller was going to take her to the local shelter because she dug holes in his yard, barked too much, and chewed holes in window screens. She has not displayed any of that behavior since she has been with us.
I wanted a Chiquaqua for many years but my husband refused to let me buy one from a breeder. I found her at an animal shelter in Allen, TX. by going to http://petfinder.com/. You simply plug in your zip code and breed and it will find the closest one to you. Breeders are there but many shelters are as well.
If you are questioning whether to adopt a new family member/pet into your home please research to figure out which would be the best fit. Then consider going to your local animal shelter. I am certain you will find the love of your life waiting for you.
I am saddened by what my little Chelsea has to endure. However, I know "It is the right thing to do".