
Looking for more exposure for your listings? I have the solution!

Services for Real Estate Pros with The Real Estate Book


Calling all agents.....I have the total package and sellers love it, buyers find you!


I can assist in the promotion of your current inventory by putting the information in The Real Estate Book, ONLINE with over 35 sites for one very low price. I can also assit in the direct mail side and provide you with Brouchures, flyers, postcards etc at a cost that is cheaper than even the real big guys. Its a total marketing package to help you with both satisfying your sellers needs as well as assist in the procuring of potential buyers through the LEADS I provide.

We are the Nordstroms of advertising with a lesser price tag.


Nobody in the business puts your business you in front of more consumers than my magazine!


Let me know if I can assist you.


Jeff Vandermate






Li Read
Sea to Sky Premier Properties (Salt Spring) - Salt Spring Island, BC
Caring expertise...knowledge for you!

I'm a part of The Real Estate Book, Vancouver Island, and it is helpful re getting information out on my listings (I live in a resort based area, with no broad local media options).   

Sep 10, 2008 05:05 AM