The Virtual Open House
"I'm so relieved, "says the seller, "no open houses!" So many times, we clean the house, pack up the kids and pets, and leave for the day to find that nobody came to the open house other then our neighbors and co-workers. Technology continues to change the way buyers research, educate, and buy real estate. Homes being sold today are found on multiple web sites with buyer benefit links to answer every and all questions buyers may have. An average of three out of four buyers view homes on line before calling a real estate agent or lender. The virtual open house is an amazing web marketing tool benefiting both buyers and sellers.
One of the benefits sellers receive from an IPIX virtual tour is results based marketing. Realtors using this tool provide seller service reports with the number of "hits" compared to "ghost" buyers touring their home. Hits represent the amount of buyers who matched their personal wish list to your home. Ghost buyers are the buyers who download your virtual home tour and viewed links offered on your home. These buyer prospects can run a monthly payment, view your property disclosure, compare school statistics, and map quest options. As a seller, this is a hassle free way for buyers to view your home. Safety has also become an issue and hosting virtual open houses protects your family and assets. Non-qualified buyers can be eliminated and qualified and motivated buyers can view your house with a professional real estate agent.
Buying real estate has also been made easier and faster because of the virtual tour. You can now search for a home on YOUR time and have your privacy respected. You receive immediate information with no down time. Buyers are now in the driver seat searching their price window, areas, and features they want in their home. Buyers can email or call the real estate agent for any questions they may have and schedule a home viewing. Being able to qualify themselves and the homes they want to tour saves buyers, sellers, and realtor's time.
With virtual tours, highly qualified real estate agents are meeting the needs of buyers and sellers more efficiently then ever before.
Heather Morris CRS, GRI, ABR, CLHMS
Broker Associate to Skogman Realty