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Long Beach, CA Real Estate Market Listing Activity Report as of September 10, 2008.

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Independent Real Estate Broker DRE#00972295

Currently there are 1,615  Active listings in Long Beach, CA.

The SoCalMLS has 14 different categories called "special conditions"  which are Auction, Bankruptcy, HUD/Govt. Owned, In Foreclosure Process**, Notice of Default**, Probate, Red-Tagged**, Relocation Corporate Owned, Short-Sale/Subject to Lender Approval, Subj to REO Company Approval, Subject to Court Approval and NONE (which are regular sales).

This report focuses on the REO and short Sale listings, if you would like the statistics for the other "special conditions," please let me know.                                                                                     

Out of the 1,615 Active listings 957 listings were with no special condition, which means that 59% of the active listings are under the "regular sale" category.  Leaving 658 Active Listings under the "Special Condition" category. Meaning that 40.5% of Active listings fall under a "Special Condition."

Here is the breakdown of all Active Listings under each "Special Condition: 

Short Sales Active Listings:                         Total Number:  404

 25% of all Active listings in Long Beach, CA were under a Short-Sale "special condition" category

 REO/Lender Owned Active Listings:         Total Number: 218

13.5% of all active listings in Long Beach, CA were REO/Lender Owned.

If you have a portfolio of properties in a different city/area, and would like the statistics, I would gladly provide the information to you.  Please feel free to call me at 323-357-9300 or cell 562-884-6196. I hope this information has help you in analyzing the state of the Real Estate Market in Long Beach.

The NOD and In Foreclosure categories were not included in this report because what is listed on the MLS is not reflective of the actual foreclosure activity in Long Beach, CA.  The actual numbers of foreclosures and NOD's far exceed what is listed in the MLS-because there are a number of foreclosures that do not get listed on the MLS for various reasons.  If you would like the actually numbers of foreclosures, I can research the tax records, and would be more than happy to provide this information, upon your request.

Although this report was prepared with the utmost care and data obtained from the So cal MLS system is deed reliable it is not guaranteed.  This report is for general information and for more specific data or report for your area, please feel free to contact me.  To search the MLS, please feel free to go to my website:  ReoLicensedSpecialist.com.


Posted by

Aida Pinto (562) 884-6196
Los Angeles County
Real Estate Broker

The Real Estate Maven : https://www.facebook.com/aRealEstateMaven?ref=hl


Short Sale, Probate and standard real estate expert.
