
New Kid in School

Services for Real Estate Pros with The Edge Virtual Assistance

It has been bugging me all day.  Why don't they like me?  What did I do wrong? Am I not cool enough for them?  And finally, I have come to the conclusion that honestly it doesn't matter to me. 

I have an incredible life, a fantastic family, a gorgeous home and a thriving business.  I provide outstanding service to my clients who are all raving fans.  I LOVE my job and I do it well!  What do I really care if some people in an online networking forum don't like me and have no interest in the services I provide.  That is their right.  I cannot be all things to all men.  Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things?

It would be nice to feel part of a group of people who are passionate about what they do.  People who are in this network to learn and grow, people who take note of the information they need and glance over the information they don't. We shouldn't be nervous about posting in our blogs and worry that it might not be well received, doesn't that kind of defeat the point?

One man's trash is another man's treasure as is clear from my previous posts about the services that I provide as a REVA.  I had an emailed request for more information and a comment from other members of the site.  When I posted more information, someone else felt that this was not useful to them and they rated me poorly and left no further comment outlining why not...   

Being the "new kid in school" is never easy... I have walked this road a lot.  My mother was a full-time agent, my step-father a part-timer.  We changed houses like most people change socks, and yet I never got over this whole "new kid" feeling.  But that ends today!

I have decided to go on posting what I feel may be beneficial and informative to others on this network.  If you don't like my posts, or feel that they provide no information that you personally find useful, please feel free to read someone else's blog... If you enjoy reading them, or you learnt something, please leave me a comment or get in touch with me by email.  I have gained a lot in my three short days as a member here.  I hope that in the coming months I will be able to add value to others as well.

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Alexander Harb
Knights Investing - Mesquite, TX
Dallas, Texas Real Estate Investing
Stay with it, Ros........ and smile in your pic...ya look to serious...;-)
Sep 04, 2006 10:36 AM
Ros Null
The Edge Virtual Assistance - Buffalo, NY

Thanks Alex!  LOL!  That is a smile! hehe


Sep 04, 2006 10:38 AM
Maureen Francis
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel - Bloomfield Hills, MI
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel

I like your posts Ros.  Keep it up.  We have no idea why anyone is clicking "up" or "down" so try not to let it get you down.  So few people actually bother to click on those buttons that the few who do carry far more weight than they should.  Don't let them ruin your day.

And I just gave you an up. 


Sep 04, 2006 10:55 AM
Ros Null
The Edge Virtual Assistance - Buffalo, NY

It just seems so random to me.  I think it might be better if there is an up option only.  If the content is outstanding it can be listed as such.  If not, then it stays in the barrel with the rest of the posts. 

Anyone can just hit the down button for the hell of it.  I know we are all supposed to be pro's here, but as we saw with the plagiarism and ensuing juvenile email campaign of last week... not everyone is. 

The "downer" keeps on hitting my posts... *sigh*... oh well...

Anyway... that's my two cents... for what they are worth...

Sep 04, 2006 01:50 PM
Maureen Francis
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel - Bloomfield Hills, MI
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel

I wonder if its a jealous competitor? 

I've seen some posts, not yours, worthy of a down.  Cut and paste.  One liners to garner points.

You obviously are putting thought into your posts and someone is messing with you.  Hopefully they will tire of it quickly.  Ignore them and they will go away. 

Sep 04, 2006 08:34 PM
Dawn Shaffer Life is good!
Battle Ground, WA


Good suggestion: "Ups" option only, "Downs" don't count. If folks disagree, they should post so you can understand. 

I speak through my work, and I share samples to show tours others may really enjoy; others, to ask for opinions; others, to illustrate lessons learned. If one person benefits, it's been worth it.

Dawn Shaffer 

Sep 05, 2006 12:54 AM
Ros Null
The Edge Virtual Assistance - Buffalo, NY

I certainly don't think that it's a jealous somebody. My blog posts are hardly Pulitzer pieces...

Thanks for the kind words though ladies.  I am a newcomer to this country and while it is an amazing place and I am very happy here, it takes some getting used to! People are alot more... uhm... abrasive I think is the right word...  So your kindness is appreciated! :)

Sep 05, 2006 12:59 AM
Yoana Pedroso
Advantage Virtual Support - North Port, FL

I love ya Ros! You are truly kind and helpful :)


Sep 05, 2006 03:05 AM