I talked to a potential client yesterday and they asked me "Why are you doing loan modification leads? They are only going to last a couple of years just like everything else."
This intrigued me a lot for a few reasons... Namely because it shows the mentality of most people; they live things on a day to day basis and sometimes are scared to take risks for the fear of loss or the potential unknown in a situation. A lot of people who were in our general field in the past 2-3 years (real estate, mortgage loans, appraisers, notaries, etc) are now back to what they were previously doing; be it grocery store clerk, car salesman or county clerk.
It shows me mainly how people have a lack of initiative and how they don't do much planning or put any effort into what they are doing. For what it's worth, my response to him was "hey, I've got it covered. I have 10 other sets of sites that are already built on 10 different topics that I can activate the marketing for at a flip of a switch. If mortgages or FHA is the boom tomorrow, I can start generating leads in 5 minutes. If education leads or auto leads is the new hype tomorrow, same goes there. I am ready to ride whatever wave runs through any of my oceans."
Needless to say he was taken back that I was so prepared for this, but it definitely goes back to the basics; plan your work and work your plan. You have to be ready at all times to support yourself and your family, it's good business and it's acknowledging in advance that things will change and you are ready for them to.
Anybody who is going to be successful knows that change is inevitable.
Any brokers or real estate agents who are looking to expand their horizons and skills are welcome to contact me. I have done it all in this industry and most recently got into loan modifications and now I am generating leads and marketing companies for loan mods.
If you are a broker or work for a broker shop and this is NOT one of your services, please, take the extra money that's out in front of you on the table. There are so many people to help right now that are going to lose their home and this is an extra service you can provide for your clients; its win-win for everybody. You need no new licensing to do this, yet you still aren't part of one of the hottest industries in our game?
I urge people to contact me to ask questions and pound my brain about helping more homeowners save their home and about an extra way to provide services to our clients and ultimately gain another customer for life.