Albuquerque has had its share of rolling home market blackouts...home prices going up and down from month to month with no significant long-term drops or gains. What small upward sales surge real estate professionals saw is beginning to peter out. Our seasonal slowdown begins in autumn and continues through December, only to pick up in January until March. Uncle Sam gets priority as folks hasten to file their 1040s, making April our ‘true' doldrums.
Good News...we have the New Mexico State Fair in full swing in September with an opening parade, plenty of exhibits, art galleries, Indian Fry Bread and funnel cakes. If we have to have down-time, what better place to share with family and friends while watching an old-timey rodeo? We won't get stiff-necks over this dip in the home market.
Speaking of stiff-necks, is it a man or a bird? Nope, it's the 37th Annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta and sprinkled across a transparent sea you see the confetti of balloons testing our unique ‘box' of air currents. The Fiesta starts officially Saturday, October 4th; unofficially, it's in progress already. The morning coffee just tastes better on the porch or patio as the whuffing and puffing of gas engines sail overhead. Give the crews a wave and a holler.
No surprises this in the $200-250,000 range are top sellers with Albuhomes price in the $140-160,000 range a close second. Plenty of folks needing homes and braving the mortgage lenders to see if they can obtain financing.
Two Top Selling Areas for Detached Homes were in a dead heat; the NE Heights got nosed out by Area 92 (Southwest Heights) with 43 sales and (Area 150) Mid-Rio Rancho coming in second with 39 sales.
Listen, folks, whether you got to sell or whether you got to buy, just do it! Life goes on and no matter...good news or bad news...find yourself a real estate partner who knows his or her pinto beans and go for it!