Hello and good morning!
Here's a great quote to start your day in the right direction,
"The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something."
-- Carl Sandburg
We have thousands of customers that use our Fsbo service/system on a daily
basis. I'm asked the same question frequently:
How do I take more listings from Fsbo's?
The answer is very simple, yet more difficult to follow through with.
Setting appointments each day, yes 1 every day is not that difficult to do
with Fsbo's.
Our average customer can do this, so I know you can too!
Here's a hypothetical challenge for those who are reading this...if you can
take 1 new listing in the next 7 days, from a Fsbo...I'll give you $5000
Now think about the challenge, and if I did give you $5000 by next Friday
for taking 1 new listing from a Fsbo how would you get it? How many hours a
day would you work? How many calls a day would you make? How many days
would you work in the next week? How focused would you be?
Can you see that if the "carrot" is big enough...the outcome and end result
becomes easier? Real Estate is a 90% between our ears...it's a mental
toughness game.
Get tough and stronger each day and the result will follow.
We offer free 30 minute coaching calls via our coaching website if you need
some extra help...or just a free coaching call: www.EricJordanCoaching.com
Thanks for reading - Hope this might have helped inspire you today.