I am so excited! I finally got a copy of this book, HTML: The Definitive Guide - Chuck Musciano & Bill Kennedy, and have been poreing over it, off and on, all weekend. It is a MUST read for all of you who work with your own sites. It is comprehensive and easy to read and understand and covers a whole host of topics like:
- Style sheets & layers
- Tables
- Frames
- Interactive Forms
and it also has a section dealing with ensuring your site is suitable for viewing on all browsers... I have two others:
Designing Multimedia Websites - Stella Gassaway, Gary Davis and Catherine Gregory
HTML Publishing for Netscape - Gayle Kidder and Stuart Harris
All passed along by a friend and all of them apparently really good reads so I thought I would share. Will let you know what I think of them when I am done.
Ros Null, REVA