It's the weirdest feeling. We've been preparing all day for it. We've watched the tv, listened to the stories, and now it's finally here, only it's late, it's dark, and it makes it much more scary. I hear the wind and rain outside my house and we have power but now cable so I'm watching live streaming on the web. Of course my husband can sleep and one of my dogs can too. The other one laying with me on the couch is a little more restless, probably my fault. I really would LOVE if we could just keep our power on and I could be a safe haven for our area, neighborhood. How awesome would it be if we didn't lose power and I could reach out to our area through hot meals, etc. I promise I would really make sure I used this house to be a "shelter." As a real estate agent, you worry about your home, your listings, your buyers and it's scary. I have closings next week, but most of all you worry about that sphere of influence and how they are holding up. You begin to look at things through the eyes of a contractor/insurance agent/appraiser/city official. I don't know how else to explain it. I will keep you posted. Just pray for our area. We have a huge task ahead of us!