
A Moment of Silence…

Real Estate Agent with Westcott Group Real Estate Company


{A moment of silence please}







Thank you.


There are 525,600 minutes in an average year.  Being that this year was a leap year, there were an additional 1440 minutes added to that total.  For the majority of these minutes, we all go about our lives without taking time to reflect.  Life is too busy for most people to do so.  However, we should never be too busy to observe a moment of silence at least once each year on the anniversary of 9/11.


In a post that I wrote earlier this week, entitled The Other 9/11 Victims, I spoke about the victims of 9/11 that do not have their names read in a ceremony because they died as a result of the aftermath of 9/11 years later.  In this post, I introduced Mike Ryan, a Hauppauge resident, beloved family man and football coach.  Coach Mike passed away in November.  Cancer caused by his heroic efforts took his life way too soon.  This was the first 9/11 that Mike's children were in school since their father's passing.


When my son came home from school on 9/11, I asked him what they did in school to honor those that have lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks.  His answer made me angry, sad and disappointed all at once.  The school did nothing, aside from flying the flag at half mast.  There was no moment of silence observed, not at 9:59am, when the first tower fell or at 10:29am, when the second tower fell.


Tonight, there was a dedication made to Coach Mike Ryan at the HYO Complex in Hauppauge.  The details of this event will be a separate post during the week.  I got the chance to speak to Mike's wife at length after the dedication ceremony.  She and I discussed many things, including the lack of an observation of 9/11 in the middle school with a moment of silence.  The middle school starts their day even earlier, so they had the opportunity to have a moment of silence at 8:46am, when the first plane hit the Twin Towers, and at 9:03am, when the second plane hit.


Mike Ryan's wife complained to the middle school, and was given a very poor excuse as to why there was no observation, even though there was one in all of the schools last year.  The reason was that "it is too hard on the kids."  What a disgrace!  Mike Ryan's children deserved better.  All of the children of Hauppauge deserved better. 


The media spends a good portion of the day remembering those that lost their lives.  Any child that sees the news on 9/11 is exposed to the coverage.  I am all for protecting our children from the evil in the world, and sheltering them as much as possible from the bad in this world.  However, there is no reason for them not to spend a moment in silence on 9/11.  This is not about going into graphic details of the events of 9/11.  It's about paying their respect to those whose lives were tragically cut short because of the events.


Thankfully, many families were a part of the ceremony to honor Mike Ryan tonight, so our children got the chance to pay their respect to Mike and his family.  Many more families were not in attendance tonight, so their children did not get the opportunity to have their moment of silence.


My hope is that the Hauppauge School District will see the error of their ways and rectify this situation for next year and beyond.  We owe it to the Mike Ryan's of the world to take one minute out of the 525,600 minutes that are in a year, to have a moment of silence.


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Petra Norris
Lakeland Real Estate Group, Inc. - Lakeland, FL
Realtor, Lakeland FL Homes for Sale

Adam - The least I can do is pay my respect with observing a moment of silence for all the people who were and are still affected by this horrific attack. We shall never forget! Thank you for this post.

Sep 13, 2008 02:44 PM
Thom Abbott |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living - Atlanta, GA
Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale

Adam:  Be it 9/11 or any tragedy that happens to another...we seem to quickly forget, yet they continue to struggle and deal with life's daily challenges, minus someone important. This post made me remember a distant friend I've lost touch with after his partner died. And I know he has come on some hard times, but now I don't know how to reach him.

We should stop everyday, for a minute, and think about all those that have lost a loved one, and realize what they are going through.

Sep 13, 2008 04:08 PM
Missy Caulk
Missy Caulk TEAM - Ann Arbor, MI
Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate

Adam, my husband took a YouTube video into his class on Thursday. He teaches high school and most are freshman and sophmores. He was absolutely floored by the number of students who only had a vague recollection of 9-11.

They were in awe of that day. Now these high schools students were in 1st and 2nd grade when 9-11 occurred.

If we don't remember and pass this on, we are doomed to repeat our history.

It should be remembered in every school, IMHO every year, just like MLK Day and Presidents Day.

Sep 14, 2008 12:57 AM
Steve Scheer
Realty Oasis - Metro Brokers - Highlands Ranch, CO
Highlands Ranch Real Estate - Denver Real Estate

Adam, I couldn't agree with you more.  Its tough - there has to be a way to continue to honor and remember without horrifiying the kids.  This will only get harder each year as more & more were too young.  We can never forget. 

Sep 14, 2008 01:19 AM
Amanda Evans
DFW Living - Fort Worth, TX
Real Estate Broker - Fort Worth Texas

A moment of silence is hardly horrific!  As long as we pretend to shelter kids from all evil in the world, we might as well do away with History class as well. 

I remember you telling me that the school held orientation (or something like it) last year on 9/11, Adam.  There is something very wrong with whomever is running the show in your school district.  I hope you jump in and shake things up before they take away Thanksgiving.


Sep 14, 2008 02:25 AM
LaNita Cates
REMAX of Joliet - Joliet, IL

"Never Forget"? How sad that people are forgetting. My son said his teacher talked about it and then I had him sit next to me at my desk and I played video of 9/11 when the planes hit the Twin Towers. He's 9 1/2 now and was still a baby when this happened. He watched and asked questions and I told him to "just listen and watch first" and then ask questions, which he did later. I then explained that is why mommy and daddy are so strong on keeping our country safe and are so involved in politics.

Sep 14, 2008 03:49 AM
Bo Hussung
Bell Title /Triserv LLC - Nashvle, TN

Adam, we should all take the time to reflect on the events of our lives. We owe it to ourselves and in the instance of tragic event like 9/11, we owe it to all the victims.


Sep 14, 2008 06:04 AM
Judy Tuscano
Prudential Verani Realty - Nottingham, NH
NH Real Estate Professional

Adam, The attack on America should be commemorated every year and as you mentioned here - our children should never forget lest we let down our guard and another attack happen of even greater proportions.

Sep 14, 2008 10:48 AM
Elizabeth Nieves
The Elizabeth Nieves Realty Group - Durham, NC
Bilingual Raleigh - Durham North Carolina Real Estate Team

Oh Adam...that makes me angry also. I'm so thankful that Mike was remembered and honored at the ceremony, and I'm really looking forward to hearing more of his story. Thank you for reminding us to stop...and remember. GBU!!

Sep 14, 2008 12:20 PM
Paul Slaybaugh
Homesmart - Scottsdale, AZ
Scottsdale, AZ Real Estate
Pitiful, Adam. Actually, disgraceful is the word I am looking for. A moment of silence is too hard on the kids? No, that sounds like a school that would just rather not be bothered. Want to "move on" and all that jive. As if a simple remembrance will halt all ability to move forward. Get someone on the phone at the district, Adam. If we can have entire days devoted to dead presidents and explorers, we can certainly spare one solitary minute for the most notable event of the past few decades or so.
Sep 14, 2008 02:43 PM
Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)

ADAM - I wholeheartedly agree with you, especially since there are likely a number of kids in all of the school districts in your area who actually lost someone in the attacks.  This is simply pathetic.  I really think that a move should be made to not have school at all on the anniversary of 9/11.  It deserves its own day of remembrance. 

Sep 15, 2008 12:09 PM
Not Yet Licensed

When my son came home from school on 9/11, I asked him what they did in school to honor those that have lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks.  His answer made me angry, sad and disappointed all at once.  The school did nothing, aside from flying the flag at half mast.  There was no moment of silence observed, not at 9:59am, when the first tower fell or at 10:29am, when the second tower fell.

Hi Adam,

Thanks for bringing up this very important point.  Now I must wonder, what was happening in other schools across the country?

Sep 15, 2008 12:17 PM
Kara Casamassina
International Property Management Group, LLC - Aiken, SC
Boomers and beyond

Hi Adam, You are exactly right - there is no reason NOT to have a single moment of silence to pay respect.  Time to start the petition so it can be in place for next year and every year after. 

Sep 17, 2008 12:46 AM
Eleanor Thorne
Equity Resources - Cary, NC
Advantage Lending 919-649-5058

This put chills up my back... it's sad - that THERE folks want to distance themselves from it.  We observed it in Wake County NC.

Sep 18, 2008 10:11 AM
Shannon Lefevre
John R. Wood Properties - Naples, FL
Shannon Lefevre, PA Your Naples Smart Girl

Hey buddy, been thinking about you.  I'll be back and running on the soon as I catch up I'll give you a call.  Hope you're great! :)

Sep 18, 2008 05:30 PM
Not a real person
San Diego, CA

Yep, "It's too hard on the kids." I've always found that kids are very resilient, sometimes much more so than we give them credit for, and many, many times more so than we adults.

Sep 19, 2008 12:19 AM
Donna Yates
BHGRE - Metro Brokers - Blue Ridge, GA
Blue Ridge Mountains

Adam:  This tragedy certainly affected all Americans no matter what part of the country, but a school in New York of all places, not recognizing this day is absolutely atonishing to me.  They would have been better off to give no excuse at all than the flimsy one they did give.  What a real shame or more appropriately, a disgrace.  It's a very sad part of our history and yet, a great testimony to America's courage and strength.  There are lessons to constantly be learned from this horrific event and who better than our young to learn them.  Life isn't fair and it sometimes is very hard, even tragic but our kids need to know.  We can't shelter them from everything because if we do, they will be ill-equipped in life later on to handle those things that may very well rock their world.  I, for one will never forget.

Sep 20, 2008 01:11 AM
Russell Lewis
Realty Austin, Austin Texas Real Estate - Austin, TX

Adam, I understand that you are still dealing with some health issues. I hope they are improving! On a happier note, I am sure you enjoyed the waloping Dallas gave Seattle (we are in Dallas for Thanksgiving) and on a funny note...I am one of the few people on the planet with a Felix Jones jersey (dang! I am hoping he comes back strong next year!!!) And Roy Williams is certainly glad to be back in Texas from Football hell...

I also think Martellus is coming along quite nicely too!

Nov 28, 2008 01:03 AM