Ladies and gentleman it is always a powerful thing when someone goes the extra mile for you. I am a Realtor, and a handsome one at that. When a client needs my help I go out of my way to help. Which is why one of my client's needs me right now so I am jumping into the fray for my client. Why you ask? Because it's just part of being The People's Realtor in West Seattle. The name: Wilburn...Ray Wilburn.
Here's the scenario: My client purchased a super nice condo in West Seattle, but then got called away on business (long term assignment). This is literally two months after finalizing the purchase. He calls me and asks if I can help. What do I say? I say heck yeah! If a client needs a property manager then that's me. if a client needs a dynamite Realtor who knows how to navigate the rocky and troubling waters of a soft mark, hey I'M your guy! Heck, if a client needs a fricken kidney...I'll certainly sympathize but he/she can't have mine!
There is a tool that is necessary in this market, and that is the new and improved 2008 model realtor. A person that is saavy enough to negotiate for clients, and still is willing to lieterally put his/her neck out for the client in really becomming the client's Realtor for life.
When you're ready for that type of Realtor let go of the insecurity, and worry...and stop by the home of The People's Realtor! I'm just like the A-team, but you'll have no problem finding me!
Ray Wilburn, MBA