
Pasadena Real Estate Broker Featured on MSN

Real Estate Broker/Owner with RE/MAX Property Concierge

Anytime your work is recognized is recognized by your peers is an affirmation of a job well done, Anytime your experience is cited with a reference in a National news organization is confirmation that your knowledge and experience provides you with a level of authority, indicating that you have a special status in your area of expertise.

Deena Willis is a contributing editor of a Pasadena Real Estate Blog, and has also recently just obtained her Eco Broker certification. She was recently interviewed about her knowledge of Energy Ratings and Green Homes, by a reporter for MSN and an article which featured "5 Tip-Offs That Your Home is an Energy Hog"

Contributing to her understanding of home energy audits was the fact that she had a home energy rating completed on her own house. With the focus now on energy conservation and "green advantages", home energy audits are expected to become much more important to the home buying process. "A home energy rating is an excellent inspection to have. The report will make recommendations and provide approximate costs as to the recommended repairs and the resulting savings", said Deena.

We may soon see the day when the energy audit becomes as ubiquitous as the professional home inspection. People need to understand the efficiency of their heating and cooling systems and how much energy may be saved by completing some maintenance items and a few inexpensive repairs.