
Parade of Homes....Success on its way?

Real Estate Agent with Phil's Locksmith

Finally, our area gets to put on its FIRST Parade of Homes.  Our local board office Sutter-Yuba Association of Realtors, along with the Yuba-Sutter Builders and Developers are working in conjunction to make this event happen.

The finale will be a huge BBQ, some lake and ariel entertainment, and a few bands.

Problem is, we did not have the year in advance to plan this, however we are moving ahead with full force.

Tickets are on sale now for $20/each. They will also be available at this weekends Home & Garden Show at the fairgrounds. I will be there Saturday from 2P-4P selling tickets. Come out and see us!



What have other cities/counties done for their Parade of Homes that has made it so successful Year After Year?

How did you market yourself a year in advance?

What sort of things did you fall on your face and decide not to do again.


ANY and ALL feedback would be greatly appreciated as we are just a start up group and are looking to learn from your success/failure and not recreate the wheel.


Thanks so much!

Michelle Haney

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Jim Frimmer
HomeSmart Realty West - San Diego, CA
Realtor & CDPE, Mission Valley specialist

I actually don't know if we have a Parade of Homes here. If so, I haven't been on it, obviously. I'll have to check.

Sep 23, 2008 06:58 PM
Eleanor Thorne
Equity Resources - Cary, NC
Advantage Lending 919-649-5058

We have the Parade - but do not sell tickets.  Last year Johnston County had 80+ entries and Wake County had well over 200 entries.  The homes are not normally decorated, but they are judged.  There's an awards ceremony and a "realtor day" to tour the homes.

Sep 24, 2008 09:15 AM