
The Crisis of our time - history repeating itself?

Real Estate Agent with Crye-Leike (Sango)

First and foremost - American is still strong and is still 'The place to be'.  Immigration to our great nation has not slowed and likely will not.  Why?  BECAUSE EVERYONE IN THE WORLD WANTS TO LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE.

This is not the first time that America has fell on hard times and certainly it will not be the last.  Granted, it is the first time in most of our lives that we have witnessed such a crisis in our housing industry and our financial markets, but it has happened before and is guaranteed to happen again.

While many are looking for answers, and Pam and I being right there with them, I believe that the trying times currently faced by many Americans and the bumpy road ahead will only make us stronger as a person, as families, as communities and as Americans.  We will REBOUND so don't lose faith in that.

You only need to look at some of the most wealthy in our country - before many were basking in the riches they currently enjoy, they were down and out.  They LEARNED from the experience and became STRONGER for them - so to must you! 

I will not venture to guess when the bottom will be seen, nor will I tell you that next year this will all be a memory.  What I will say is tomorrow is a new day and you have to drive on.  One thing I learned from my years in service to our Nation is that you NEVER QUIT - and you NEVER leave your fellow man.  Take time to look to your left and your right and see if there is a way that you can help your fellow country-person.  It could be as simple as allowing them to vent to you.

I look at this as a challenge - one that we can all pass if we continue to move forward and not dwell on the past. 

To my friends in the Real Estate Profession, I look forward to sharing his challenge with you as well.

To our present and future clients in the Clarksville TN Real Estate area, Pam and I will continue to offer you the absolute best in Real Estate services and assist you in realizing that the American Dream is still alive and well! 

God bless you and America!



Tim and Pam Cash

Crye-Leike Realtors, Clarksville

931-338-1375 or 931-436-7617

Posted by


Tim and Pam Cash
Crye-Leike Realtors
931-648-2112 (office)
931-338-1375 (cell)

The Cash Team - Making dreams come true one home at a time. Proudly serving the citizens of Clarksville and the Soldiers of Fort Campbell. To view available Clarksville properties, please visit our website at or email us at thecashteam@cashsofclarksville.comand we will run a custom search for you. Finding you and yours the perfect property in Clarksville Tennessee and surrounding areas is our goal.


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Dale Baker
Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections - Claremont, NH
New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information

Howdy Tim and Pam

God Bless America!

It never does anygood to keep thinking about what happened to ya yesterday, thats for sure.

Just like you, I also learned you never leave a fallen man behind. When I served our Grand Country.

If folk's would stop and think, there has been a lot worse times in our History.  They learned about them in school.

God Bless America and each and every American!

Baker Home Inspection and Consulting

Sep 22, 2008 11:26 AM
Richard Byron Smith, NMLS #184479
Mortgage Loan Officer, Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation NMLS #2289 - Chattanooga, TN
Mortgage Loan Officer

We have had worse times in the country. I think we have had worse times in my life time. Homes are affordable, employment is around 94%, rates are low, the Internet is opening avenues of knowledge and awareness.

We are likely at the dawn of a new renaissance, with new technologies bringing better lives. I am excited about our future.


Sep 22, 2008 03:41 PM
Roland Woodworth
Blue Cord Realty - Clarksville, TN
Benchmark Realty

Tim.. we are fortunate here in Clarksville that our market has actually faired pretty well compaired to most of the country.`

Sep 22, 2008 04:19 PM
Elva Branson-Lee
Best Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
Marketing Specialist, Atlanta Short Sale Pr

Nationally - Foreclosures and mortgage defaults are at an all time high, as is unemployment, as is the price of food, housing and energy. Major businesses important to our national economy are folding up. Banks aren't loaning money. The stock market is tracking a crazy roller-coaster course, never seen before in history.

Unlike some of you, I have NEVER seen worse times for our country in my life, and I'm middle aged.

In my market, foreclosures are so rampant that I have developed a new website and e-Book to help people deal with it.


Dec 17, 2008 12:56 AM
Larry Brewer - Benchmark Realty llc
Benchmark Realty LLc - Nashville, TN

Tim - I agree with you. The Glom and doom talk has to stop before customers can get the confidence that the sky will not fall. I am expecting a record year for myself in 2009. Am i a lottle too optimistic? I don't think so,

Dec 29, 2008 10:25 AM
Patty Mortara | Hunterdon County (NJ)
Hunterdon County Homes - Flemington, NJ

If we could just get the media to promote good news, about how good interest rates are and that there are a lot of really good deals out there now, instead they talk about massive foreclosures and how much properties values have declined.

I suggest that everyone visit:  and take a stand!

Jan 04, 2009 05:19 AM
Gayle Balaban
The Best Spot Realty/Waterfront Real Estate/Ooltewah Real E - Chattanooga, TN
E. TN Waterfront Real Estate

We can hope for the best but I will be prepared for the worst.

Jan 20, 2009 02:21 PM
Barb & Sal Dragotta
Macomb, MI
Macomb County Michigan

Tim & Pam---just an ironic note from Michigan; today on WJR the news stated that "...unemployment
               has risen to 7.-%. All I could do was shake my head and wonder why that is so bad when
               Michigan is 10.6% & not too many out of Staters commented when we had 7.7%.  We are   in this to stay, as are many in our area who are  PROMOTING home ownership here in Michigan.

                 We must beware of "prophecy fulfilled" through out this time. We have lived through
               other rough times here and AMERICA always rebounds; So, thanks for reminding us.   

  Barb & Sal

Jan 21, 2009 11:29 AM
Julie Martin
Port City Realty - Mobile, AL
Realtor, Broker - Gulf Coast Real Estate

What I don't hear often is that foreclosures are all an all time high because in the past few years more people than ever before were give the opportunity to own a home - even with no money down. We don't hear about all the people that were given that opportunity and are making their payments and are homeowners because of the opportunity they were given. We hear about the ones that didn't make their payments and are losing their homes.

I think it was on The Early Show the other morning that they were talking about these poor people that lost their home to foreclosure. These details may be a little off, but it went something like this: They bought a house for $250,000, no money down. They refinanced it for $370,000. They got behind on their payments and were foreclosed on. They stripped the house & left it a mess. The anchors sounded like they felt sorry for these poor people that had lost their home. I couldn't help thinking these poor people pulled $120,000 out of their home and made more money than I did last year!

I wish we could get more stories about the people that were given an opportunity to buy homes, even with no money down, are making their payments and are now home owners. I guess that doesn't make a very interesting story on the morning news or in the newspaper.

I would challenge all of you to try to get your local real estate reporter to report on some of these success stories. We live in a great country with a lot of great stories. I think it would be wonderful if we could get that story told by the media.


Feb 01, 2009 11:36 AM
Chris & Karen Highland
eXp Realty - Frederick, MD
Integrity, Experience, Enthusiasm!

Tim and Pam, these are the times that serve to help us re-think the important things in our lives, if we choose to use the times, instead of complaining and looking for a quick fix.  I read that for the first time since 1973, Americans are saving more.  Evidently, some are re-thinking.

Feb 02, 2009 09:17 AM
Dave Culbertson
Real Living Home Team - Mount Vernon, OH

My main concern is the slide towards socialism. For the last hundred years, people fled socialism to come here to the land of opportunity. Now what are we doing, but getting closer to the type of government they fled. I hope the wall gets built soon to keep illegal immigrants and smuggling out...before it's too late.

Otherwise, the wall will then be keep us in!

God bless America

Mar 12, 2009 04:45 AM
Teral McDowell
Referral Patners LLC - Murphy, TX

I have three words written on a piece of paper and taped to my monitor; they are: persevere, diligence and patience.

May 26, 2009 08:27 AM
Leslie Helm
Tennessee Recreational Properties - Jamestown, TN
Real Estate For Trail Riders

Hi to all. I'm a new group member. I live in Jamestown, TN on the edge of the Big South Fork. Both my husband and I are veterans of the SEA War and the  Cold War. It really is hard for those who never been in the Third World to understand how well off we are and how great this country is. Yes, times are tough but, trust me, "tough" is relative! If you don't believe me, travel to...say...Africa,live on the economy,then come back here! Your relief will be palpable!

We had a saying in the Air Force that the U.S. was "The Land of the Big BX." It is. So, if the shelves are a bit bare, no big deal, they will fill up again...because we will work hard to fill them.

This is THE best place in the world! We've lived in Thailand, Korea, the UK, and Germany...none of them compare to this country. Not even close!

And, as noted in a comment above, people from "away" are still beating down our doors to get in. There is a good reason for that. It is  BETTER here than THERE!


Feb 18, 2010 11:36 AM
Dawn & Charlie Tetro
PalmerHouse Properties & Associates - Johns Creek, GA
Real Service Real Results

I agree with just about everything you have said.  I am concerned tha this time is different.  I believe there truly are forces out there trying to undermine the freedoms we have taken for granted.  There seems to be a subtle and not too subtie actions steering us into a global currency and global governance.  When you look at how so many of the worlds crrencies are debasing or holding their currencies down to support our dollar, then you can easily see why a global currency may eventually be seen as the solution to stabize all markets.  I certainly do not wish to lose the sovereignty of our nation and I am frightened that this could be a reality if we do not wake up and fight it on every front.

Oct 09, 2010 03:53 AM
Christine McInerney
Great Life RE - Knoxville, TN
The McInerney Team, Knoxville TN Homes For Sale

Very well said.  The East TN area has faired very well through all of this.  The Knoxville area actually has some areas that have expeirienced appreciation during this "horrific ecomonic time".

Jan 14, 2011 09:52 AM