This market has been truly wonderful. In a down market it gets rid of all Realtors who are not serious. It also gets rid of a lot of time wasters. You simply can not last in this market if you are not purposeful, educated, and efficient.
I do feel for the folks who are losing their homes it is truly tragic, but at the same time I have to say they should've gone with a qualified Realtor. No Realtor worth their salt sells a home to a buyer that they realize really can not afford the home. It is obvious when your buyer is asking you questions 'is this worth it?' 'can I afford it?' etc. A person that is well educated on their finances and their prospective purchase isn't going to ask you those questions.
Anyway why do I love this market? It does away with lots of nonsense. I do not have to waste time with sellers. i call, and then I explain my points of difference with other Realtors and I explain to them how we can get their home sold in 30 to 45 days. How in the world do I do that? Well you'll just have to email me at contact me via my website or give me a call (my number is on the website.
I will talk with you all very soon.