
Pictures Talk

Home Stager with Dressed for Success

You all know the saying...  "A picture speaks a 1000 words"

What would you want the pictures of your home on MLS to say?

You have 90 seconds to make a lasting impression. That is how long it takes for potential buyers to form their first impression about your house and decide if they want to see more.

Lets Talk Statistics
According to the National Association of Realtors:

  • 80% of buyers prescreen homes on the internet
  • 75% of these buyers went on to drive by the homes
  • 61% walk through a home viewed online

Staged homes look better in online and print advertising because they are appealing and present the best features of each space.





Contact Dressed for Success for more information.



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Jackson West
Reveal Estate Home Staging - Vancouver - Vancouver, BC
You said it Alyse! It really is that simple. I am going to incorporate these stats into my presentation. Pictures also give we stagers essential credibility.
Apr 04, 2007 08:19 AM
Yvonne Root
rooms b.y. root - Prescott, AZ
Home Stager - Northern Arizona
Alyse, How is your Passover Celebration going? Love the pictures. Love the stats. Nice going.
Apr 04, 2007 01:46 PM
Alyse Bromberg
Dressed for Success - Kingston, ON

Yvonne - thanks for asking.  It's going well, Had the first seder at our home for the first time ever.  That was an experience.  But, with 3 kids under 3, it made sense.  Put them to bed, and we enjoyed ourselves!

Jackson - Glad I was able to contribute!

Apr 04, 2007 02:17 PM
Yvonne Root
rooms b.y. root - Prescott, AZ
Home Stager - Northern Arizona

3 under 3 makes my head swirl. Twins? Triplets? Crazy? I gotta love you.

Apr 04, 2007 03:47 PM
Christopher Webster
EXP Realty, LLC - Columbia, SC
Columbia South Carolina Real Estate For Sale
Great pictures speak clear! Bad pictures drive folks away. Preview pics regularly. Adjust pics as needed! Stage your photos.
Apr 04, 2007 05:07 PM
Matthew Meli
M and T property management LLC - Detroit, MI

Hello Alyse,

I think your Pictures are awesome. Here in Detroit, there is not a large market for stagers. I was thinking what someone would think on a professional level would think about my home. If you have a chance, Please let me know. I have it listed on the mls.





Apr 04, 2007 05:59 PM
Alyse Bromberg
Dressed for Success - Kingston, ON

Matthew - I've sent you a personal message.

Yvonne - Yes, I have a 3 year old little girl, and 17 month old identical twin boys!

Apr 05, 2007 02:42 AM