Your success with Carla! Your Best Personal Service in Fullerton. There are many answers to that question that matter to different people. If you're a parent like me, you would probably start by considering a lot of "family factors" all at once. I have children ranging in ages from kindergarden to high school. I want to live in a neighborhood, a community, that feels comfortable and familiar. I want it to feel and to be safe. And, of course, I'll want it to be accessible to excellent community services like schools, churches, clubs and activities. I want to feel at home. These are just some of the reasons I have lived in Fullerton for decades. My home is more than just my house, our entire community is our home. We Fullerton residents enjoy everything good about Fullerton: great family life, great community life... the list goes on and we feel good about our churches, schools, clubs and community activities here in Fullerton as well as neighboring Brea. Please contact me now at 714-875-4423 to tell me about your needs in finding the right home in Fullerton.Why is Fullerton CA the Best Choice for a Great Place to Live?
Featuring Fullerton Homes and Real Estate near Top Performing Schools
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Remember, if you want someone with real life experience in the neighborhood. I can help. Be sure to contact me regarding any real estate buying or selling need, whether large or small.
You can check the MLS now for homes in Fullerton CA right here: Homes for sale in Fullerton CA