A chase cover, sometimes referred to as a chase top, is a metal covering designed to keep things like rain, snow, and animals from entering a home via the chimney chase. This chimney chase cover is typically made of less expensive galvanized sheet metal. Unfortunately, rust on a chimney's exterior is more than just a cosmetic problem; it could be a sign of much more serious issues. Heat from the fireplace and various environmental conditions contribute to the breakdown of the galvanized coating on chase covers until the metal is completely unprotected and begins to rust. The rust continues to deteriorate the chase cover allowing water from rain and melting snow into your home causing interior damage. Visit this website to see examples of chimney chase covers.
Replacing chimney chase covers, we see a lot of "questionable" installs. Here is one example we (Chase Toppers) had the pleasure of solving.
This builder decided to use 2 sheets of galvanized sheet metal to fabricate this chase cover on site. Note the roofing tar between the two sheets of metal. The customer reported that their fireplaces leaked "for years".
Here is our custom Stainless Steel Chase Cover to replace the failed galvanized cover:
New Home Builders may be especially interested in choosing stainless steel chase covers for their customers homes. Homeowners will be singing your praises instead of complaining about their rusty, leaky chimney to other prospective new home buyers. We work with builders, property managers, and homeowners alike to provide this lifetime solution for their homes.