

Real Estate Agent with Marathon Key Real Estate Inc

Been doing housing inspections in La. and got the call to head to Texas...  So, on the road again. (Willie Nelson) I am slowly working my way to the west coast at this rate. 

Got assigned to the Houston area.  Found a place southwest of the city for the motorhome to call home.  Today I did my first 12 inspections.  Hot Humid Sticky and Smelly.  No electric for these folks.  Leaky roofs that have caused the household furnishings to begin to mold and smell.  90 mph winds toppled huge trees.  Streets are stacked with limbs and trunks. 

But guess what!

  I have yet to come across a single individual that was not hopeful and helpful.  From the person on the corner that I ask directs to the owners or renters of the homes I visit. Each and everyone of them has gone out of their way to help me.

Street lights out everywhere.  I spent 10 hours going from place to place.  EVERYONE did it right.  Complete stop at each intersection and the first to arrive was the first to go.  So nice to see people that care for others. 

I inspected a home today owned by a young man.  In his front yard an old generator cranked away.  Three wires came out of it.  Only one 15 amp went into his house.  A twenty amp line ran acrosss the street to an elderly couple and the other 20 amp linee went next door to a lady's house that had two small children. 

I  imagine that as soon as Galveston opens up I will be trucking down the road to that town.  I think Texas hospitality will follow me there. 

Feels good.  It is a spiritual experience.  Nice place-nice people.



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Richard Mielke
RE/MAX Results - Gettysburg, PA
REALTOR, Gettysburg Pennsylvania Real Estate

My Dad and also my Brother and his family live in Houston. They have been without power since the storm. Everyone is helping each other out, sharing power from their portable generators.

Sep 21, 2008 02:54 PM