
Property Tax Calculator for Homeowners

Services for Real Estate Pros with Fizber
A Property tax Calculator Added to for Consumers. Miami Beach, FL ( September 2, 2008 — When relocating to a new area or purchasing that second home, there are often questions which arise regarding the single word feared by many Americans… Taxes! launched a Property Tax Estimator on their website to help home buyers calculate property taxes for a prospective real estate property within a click of a mouse. Obtaining this figure ensures that buyers can make informed decisions when deciding to purchase a home. To help house hunters find out more about homes before they buy them, constantly adds a wealth of property information and resources to give house shoppers the power they need to make informed purchasing decisions. House hunters can now prescreen properties, take virtual tours, research neighborhoods, see estimated monthly mortgage payments for all properties listed on and calculate an estimated property tax for a prospective house. High property taxes are a red flag for future buyers. “The Fizber Tax Estimator allows you to calculate the estimated Ad Valorem taxes for a property located in any city nationwide, ” says Julia Foster of “Choose a city from the drop down box, enter a taxable value in the space provided then press the “Calculate” button. The results displayed are the estimated yearly taxes for the property, using the last certified tax rate, without exemptions or discounts.” About As a for-sale-by-ownersearch engine website, saves homeowners up to 6% in realtor fees while utilizing cutting-edge technology to provide clients with effective tools to showcase their homes. The site offers flat-fee MLS submission to home sellers and also provides extensive neighborhood and schools information to home buyers.