
A Snapshot of Daniel Swick

Real Estate Agent with Real Living HER Realtors

Being a Realtor is a difficult job that I greatly enjoy. It is difficult because, for most people their home is their greatest investment, and it is a tremendous responsibility to help people buy and sell "the man's castle, the woman's sanctuary and the children's first memories". I enjoy Real Estate because there are incredible opportunities every day for people to become more financially secure and live better lives and it is a joy to assist in making these opportunities come to fulfillment. Real estate is 80% people work and 20% house work and if more Realtors understood this then more people would like Realtors.

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Ginger Ryals
Prudential C Dan Joyner and Young Realtors - Spartanburg, SC

Welcome to Active Rain!! This is a great site to network and share ideas!! Have fun with it!!

Sep 23, 2008 12:39 PM
Nance Burdette
Keller Williams Realty Partners - Spartanburg, SC

Welcome and congrats on signing as a new member of ActiveRain. Being a new member myself and entering into my second month, I truly see the awsome advantage that blogging can be; (and it's fun). Seems to be the beginning of a healthy and wealthy relationship of abundant professionals. Everyone has been so very kind. And so much to read!!! Hope to see your blogs in the future.   Best of Luck,  Nance

Sep 23, 2008 03:37 PM
Jean Terry
Keller Williams Realty Spartanburg, S.C. - Spartanburg, SC

Hi and welcome to Active Rain a great site to network, share, learn and have fun.

Good Luck

Sep 23, 2008 03:49 PM