Bear Lake
Year Round Fun
Summer Activities
Winter Activities
Bear Lake is often called the Caribbean of the Rockies for its intense turquoise-blue water. As visitors catch their first glimpse of the lake, they marvel at its color and wonder what makes the lake so blue. The unique color is due to the reflection of the limestone deposits suspended in the lake.
Each season lends its own characteristic to the lake. Year-round, visitors enjoy a number of recreational and cultural activities. Experience the rush of snowmobiling. Ski at a family-owned resort. Navigate your personal watercraft across the turquoise water. Feel the rod-bending excitement of a Bear Lake cutthroat on the end of your fishing line. Sail off into the sunset. Explore America's past and discover the stories of the hearty souls that settled this area.
The Bear Lake Valley is a great location for a family or business retreat. Hold your real meetings in an unreal setting. Leave the crowds, congestion, and traffic behind to create out-door memories for your family reunion or vacation while enjoying clean air and a safe environment. Take some time during your own favorite season and enjoy yourself at Bear Lake!
The Bear Lake Valley was first inhabited by Shoshoni Tribes, then fur trappers. Between 1825 & 1840, many mountain men and Native Americans met on the south end of the lake to swap goods and stories! These meetings became known as mountain man rendezvous. Don't miss the re-creation of the mountain man rendezvous held in mid-September on Rendezvous Beach.
The first permanent settler to the Bear Lake Valley was reportedly Thomas Pegleg Smith, a crusty, one-legged, ex-mountain man. During the 1840s, he set up a trading post to provide supplies to the emigrants on the famous Oregon Trail. Early Mormon pioneer leader Brigham Young sent the first group of permanent settlers to Bear Lake Valley in 1863. This group was led by Charles C. Rich. The County bears his name.
Basic Information:
Elevation: 5,923 ft.
Length: 20 miles
Width: 8 miles
Shoreline: 48 miles
Surface: 112 sq. miles
Depth: 208 ft.
Volume: 6.5 million acre ft.
Visitor Information
Bear Lake State Park offers three recreation areas: Rendezvous Beach, Bear Lake Marina, and East Beach. The park also hosts many annual events, such as a Mountain Man Rendezvous and Bear Lake Raspberry Days.
Park Hours: Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. year-round with no holiday closures.
Day Visits: A $8 day-use permit ($75 annual pass; $35 for senior anmnual pass)
Overnight Camping: Rates vary by campground - $10-$25
For information regarding facilities for the physically challenged, contact the park.
Information about fees, reservations, and regulations.
Contact Information
Bear Lake State Park
1030 N Bear Lake Blvd
Garden City, UT 84028
(435) 946-3343