Yes, rates are at an all time low, houses are being sold at an enormous reduction and they still aren't flying of the shelves. What's the deal? Programs, products and the inability for the clients to get approved. FHA is still around and yes we can definitely use that but what is best for your client? Should they wait or buy now since everything it is a buyers market? Buyers markets have the best deals from resales, builders and unfortunately right now foreclosures but you need the buyers to purchase them. Where do you find them? Here is a list of sources of where to get your next client:
- Grocery Store
- Church
- Gym
- Coffee Shop
- Next door neighbor
- Hang out in the real estate section of the local bookstore
- Golf Course
- Join a Running Group (you talk a lot during a run)
- Become involved, extra curricular events can help you meet a lot more clients
- Monthly newsletters
With Halloween coming up, drop a card in the bag along with the candy, that parent just might be looking.
Always keep your eyes open, a new client is awaiting you.