What is Tatiana Up To Now?
That's easy.... Making magnificent pottery!!
Look at this magnificent pottery she is creating in her new home and studio in New Mexico. You can see from the photos that Tatiana's work is as beautiful and graceful as ever. A few months ago, she made a major cross-country move to begin a new life in the desert after spending more than 30 years in Maryland. Her former home and studio - a converted historic church - is on the market and looking especially inviting now that spring is here and the plantings she nurtured are starting to bloom again.
Just recently, The Washington Post had an article about this housing market in Howard County, located midway between Baltimore and Washington, D.C. The median price for single-family houses and townhomes rose 6 percent last year in this county that attracts residents for its location and well-respected school system. At $407,289, the median price for the county as a whole is no bargain. But in the zip code where Tatiana's property is located, 21737, the Post reported the median price increased 20 percent to $825,000, making it the "priciest Zip code in the county."
Homes in the Glenelg area often have large acreage to go with their spacious structures, and the school system is one of the best in this county of school excellence. With its combination of history and modern additions, Tatiana's property is an especially good value in an exclusive area.