They never die... Trust me! Regardless of the client's background, level of education or experience in real estate their deal never dies.
See most of our clients whether buying, refinancing or selling residential or commercial have a plan "A Goal!" Some more planned out than others, but they all have a Goal. That Goal is to close a deal and they will somewhere somehow. Why not let it be you?
Take a minute and think a bout the last customer that you were not able to help or the last customer that you just didn't get back to in time or the ones you didn't think were really serious. It happens to use all. The customer doesn't have enough money saved to put down or they won't have money for closing cost until the year 2020. Lol, whatever the reason might be it causes us to not be as interested in working with them as diligently as we might someone else, like the so called a serious buyer.
FYI: Don't let those deals die. If there dying get help.
I was asked to help out with a client who had been approved for various amounts and LTV's from a Mortgage Broker and had looked at countless homes with countless Realtors to find that when time to close on two separate occasions... there were issue after issue. The lender was unable to verify Rent History, Debt to income ratio changes, rate changes, LTV changes you name it...
My point being this deal obviously died several times for several people but it wasn't Dead. The deal finally closed.
Had the previous Mortgage Broker and/or Realtor had someone that they consider to be a Deal Saver they may have just done that and saved their deal like the gentlemen that called on my help. We as Real Estate Professionals should build that "call on me rapport" ask and answer questions to help each other structure that WIN WIN Deal.
I like Active Rain and I think there's a lot of what I spoke about going here. Glad I joined
Do you have any dying deals & Who's your Deal Saver?