Notice A Big Slowdown On Your Computer?
Does your computer run slower than it did when you first purchased it? Do programs and web pages take forever to load? Well rest assure that it's not just you having this problem, almost every computer user will have slowdowns and issues over time with their computers, but you don't have to LIVE with it! Here are a few solutions and items to look for if you notice slow downs and problems.
Memory: Check to see how much memory you have in your computer, alot of Windows XP machines that are a few years old, only have 256MB of memory. This was fine several years ago, as programs that you run didn't demand much memory to run, but as software has updated, new software is released, and users are using more and more programs at one time 256MB is just not enough, heck even 512MB isn't enough for many users. To check to see how much memory you have on board, click on START, RIGHT CLICK on MY COMPUTER, then click on PROPERTIES on the main page that pops up, under the " Computer: " section, it will tell you how much memory that you have. If it is 512MB or less, I recommend a memory upgrade, it is a small cost to pay (less than $30 usually for 1GB of memory - 1GB = 1000MB) It will GREATLY improve productivity and help with alot of quirks associated with low system memory.
Spyware & Junk Software: Here is another big item that the majority of computers have. More than likely there is spyware and other junk software installed on your computer. You may ask how it got there, since you don't think you installed anything. Well most of that software comes into your computer by you installing software you think is legit (or IS legit) but it has other junk software attached to it. Spyware also comes from emails, and from websites that you visit. You may notice popups on your computer, even if you are not in Internet Explorer, this is all from junk and spyware. Now, you can't always get rid of all of that software, but you can get rid of some of it. Visit: and download it, and run it, and remove what it finds. This will help, but you still may need to hire a professional to properly clean the system, since your privacy and files on your computer may be at risk. A professional will use many different types of software to clean the computer, as well as know-how to access parts of your computer known to store spyware, what I like to call "Hot Spots".
Windows Updates: These also can help with performance, also not to mention fix many flaws and security risks in Windows. You can access Windows Updates by clicking START, then ALL PROGRAMS, then clicking on WINDOWS UPDATES at the top. You can also open Internet Explorer, and type in: These updates should be done on a monthly basis. Simply follow through the prompts to update your computer.
Up-To-Date Anti-Virus: This is a must! It helps keep your computer running normal, blocks junk software and viruses from attacking your computer. Not only do you need Anti-Virus software, make sure your subscription is up-to-date. Expired Anti-Virus won't do you much good. I recommend AVG AntiVirus ( You can download the FREE version (absolutely free) for your home computer, and you can purchase the security center for your work/office PC's. I recommend this over Norton or McAfee, because the cost is less (or free) and it doesn't use as many system resources (meaning it doesn't slow your computer down as much by running the software) Norton and McAfee are bloated software, and they don't seem to release as many updates as AVG.
If your computer is running slow, has popups, or just isn't running properly, give "The Real Estate Tech Desk" a call. We can log remotely into your computer, no matter where you are, and evaluate and fix your computer from our location. Don't fuss with taking your computer in to the store and spending crazy amounts of money that companies like Best Buy and Staples charge, and use a company that will keep your cost minimal, knows the technology needs of real estate professionals and doesn't require you to leave the comfort of your home or office! Call 410-274-4871 or visit: to contact us today, to schedule a computer cleaning session. We guarantee your satisfaction, and will keep your cost to a minimum!