
The Fundamental Truth of Success in Real Estate

Managing Real Estate Broker with Howard Hanna Real Estate Services

Well here it is, finally! The Holy Grail...The Big Secret...The "One Thing"...

Ok, ok, so your not fooled by the hype.  Good, then you know that there is no "ONE THING" that will ensure your success in Real Estate.  If there was I'd bottle it and we'd all be rich! But I would argue that there is one fundamental truth that is about as close as it my humble opinion...

You've got to want it!

Now before you all jump in and yell at me, let me lay it out for you.  All the coaches and all the trainers in the world agree that the truely successful salespeople are successful because they are willing to do what the rest of us are not willing to do...or at least not do as much of.  Why are they so willing to hang it all out there and do the stuff many of us cringe at? Doorknocking - hundreds a week, 50 calls a day, pop in on at least a dozen FSBO a week...

They want it! They Need it!

Here's a good example of scale.  When I left the Air Force and started my Real Estate career, I needed an income. Seriously, I needed it to eat and keep the lights on and not let my family down. Do you feel any motivation there?  So, I was willing to do anything my coach told me I needed to do. I worked for an independent firm in Virginia, where the owner was the 'Rainmaker.' He would put 30 to 40 listings on the market each month. Yes he had an administrative staff, and yes he had lots of help, but he was diong something I wanted to do. He was making an exceptional income in Real Estate.  So when my coach told me how he did it and what he focused on everyday, I took it to heart and I did what I needed to do.  Now I didn't have the staff and I honestly didn't want to work 7 days a week and 18 hours a day, so I decided to scale the activities to meet the need!  He would do 6 to 7 appointments a day, and sometimes more. I decided to shoot for 4 to 5 a week. At the time I only needed enough to replace my lost income.  After I accomplished that I wanted to be the rookie of the year - that was important to me.  Then I wanted to be the top agent - that was very important to me. Then I wanted an office of my own - see where I am going? We sometimes call these goals. But goals without NEEDs are just wishful thinking.

Don't just set goals, figure out what you NEED.  That's where the fire is. So stop making goals and start satisfying your NEEDs. But first you need to figure out truely what they are.  It's not always about the money. I know some folks who when they helped a nice young couple buy their first home and start their new family got hooked on that feeling.  They wanted that feeling everyday! So they went out and did everything they could to find more young families to help!  That's a fire!  Don't just say "Oh, I would like to make $50,000 this year." Find your fire, find your NEED; then feed it everyday!

Stop wanting it and start getting it!

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Jim Gainer
Howard Hanna Real Estate Services - Hershey, PA

Wow that took way too long, anybody else having 'Proxy Errors' today?

Sep 25, 2008 05:30 AM
Li Read
Sea to Sky Premier Properties (Salt Spring) - Salt Spring Island, BC
Caring expertise...knowledge for you!

Terrific post!     Without passion, writing down goals is just a list making exercise.    Thanks for sharing!

Sep 25, 2008 05:43 AM
John Walters
Frank Rubi Real Estate - Slidell, LA
Licensed in Louisiana

Good motivation.  And yes I am having a lot of problems getting blogs in today.

Sep 25, 2008 05:49 AM
real estate real estate
Providence, RI

yes, motivation is in some sense everything. Motivation plus a good work ethnic make a poor man rich. Maybe not immediately but eventually.

Sep 25, 2008 06:32 AM
Deon Williams
The People's Realty Group - Long Beach, CA
"Putting the People Back in Real Estate!"



Thanks for the post. As a fellow Air Force to Real Estate transferee, I initially had the fire, had the that I've made some nice money in this industry, I seem to have lost sight of the need, and in turn lsot the passion. I couldn't place my finger on what had happened until just now; until reading your post.

God doesn't make mistakes, but he sure knows that we do!

Excellent post my friend!

Deon R. Williams

Oct 28, 2008 04:05 PM
Jim Gainer
Howard Hanna Real Estate Services - Hershey, PA

Thanks for visiting and commenting. I'm glad you liked it.

Li's right, stop making lists and start making things happen!

Huiting, thanks for adding a very important ingredient - good work ethic.  Too many people (not just young people) don't know what it means to 'work' in Real Estate. It's the 'grind', the followup calls, the prospecting all day, the hundred 'No's' to get to the YES!

Deon, Thanks for your service. I'm glad you got something from the post; you're not alone, we all loose the fire now and then. Don't be too hard on yourself just pick up where you left off and go!

My old manager used to tell me "Go out and find someone else to love you." Good advice then and now.

Oct 31, 2008 07:44 AM
Money Tree Training Group .
Money Tree Training Group - Webster, NY


You make a great point.

Without a purpose you will never realize your full potential. You have to create a life with clarity and that in turns creates focus. Clarity without focus creates paralysis in your motivation.

I belive you are right on track by saying that you have to figure out your need before you can figure out what you want.

Nov 04, 2008 05:27 AM
John March
Charisma Media Group, LLC - Bluffton, SC
"Engage, connect, prosper" (Matt 6:33)

Jim, I like your idea. "Find your need and fill it." DO goals that float your boat instead the wishful thinking. Thanks for this post.

all the best

Nov 04, 2008 06:42 AM
asd asdasd
asdasd - Albany, NY

Great motivational post, I love this stuff, thank you for the great info.

Nov 05, 2008 11:15 PM
Frances C. Rokicki
Fran Rokicki Realty, LLC - Bolton, CT

Jim, I suggest that new agents read a few sales books.  Zig Ziglar and Brian Buffini offer some great useful tools that are not expensive.  You need to become a salesperson.  Generating leads and closing transactions will bring you your success!

Nov 06, 2008 03:48 AM
Jim Gainer
Howard Hanna Real Estate Services - Hershey, PA

Thanks all for visiting, I'm glad you all found something positive in it.

Fran, good sugestions. Both are excellent sources. We are salespeople, no matter what we try to call ourselves.

Nov 08, 2008 02:52 AM