
Work Smart Script: How to ask for referrals

Real Estate Agent with keller Williams Fox Realty

It's the most common way that buyers and sellers chose their real estate practitioners.  So what's stopping you from asking for more referrals?

Even as the web has become the preeminent home-search tool for consumers, referrals are still No.1 way buyers and sellers find their real estate practitioners.

When asked how they found their real estate agent, 43 percent of all buyers and 41 percent of all sellers said they were referred by a friend, neighbor, or relative, according to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS. 2007 profile of Home Buyers & Sellers. Only 11 percent of all buyers and 22 percent of all sellers used their previous agent, which was the second most popular responce.  

 The next time you feel tongue-tied about asking for referrals, practice these simple scripts to up your confidence and your business.

!. Ask for referrals from a current customer.

You: " I have a favor to ask you, but only if you're comfortable with it."

Client: "Sure, I guess so."

You: "It's been my experience that while we are working together on selling (or buying) a house, most of my clients discuss the experience with friends, relatives, and people at work."

Client:"Oh, I talk to people about it all the time."

You: " That's great! During those conversations, has anyone you're talking to mentioned that they are also thinking of buying or selling a property?"

Client: "Yes, a couple of people have."

You: "When that happens, I would really appreciate it you would tell them about me and why you chose me to be your sales associate. Also tell them to expect a phone call from me. Then, with their permission, I need you to call me with their name and number so I can make that call. Ok? Are you comfortable doing that for me?"

Client: "Sure, I'll be happy to do that."

You; "That's great. I really appreciate it.'