
What's the good news?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Bull Realty, Inc.

If you watch enough television, you may fall prey to the cycle of panic that has gripped the herd-mentality thinkers wringing their hands over the current economic condition. It's easy to do, we're all guilty of negative thoughts and self-doubt at times. The cure to this condition is easier than you think, and its nothing you haven't heard before. You have to focus on the positives!

First of all, there are great opportunities out there for buyers, and the local banks do have money to lend, especially if the properties are in the area and will bring new business to the community. If you're a wise investor and you have good credit, this is the time to add to your portfolio. Returns over the next few years for buyers that are positioned to take advantage of this market will be huge!

CAP rates are up! NNN investment properties being sold as sale-lease-backs by strong companies looking to raise capital are nearing 10% for the first time in many years. A sale-lease back is an excellent way for a company to realize the full market value of their property and inject cash into their business. This is the perfect time for a successful company to capture market share when others are leaving their industry, and a sale-leaseback is the fastest, easiest way to finance growth.

It's also a great time to get a great new lease, as property owners attempt to solidify their investment properties by offering aggressive lease terms to attract new tenants and keep existing ones. Half-price or even free rent and other tenant incentives are the norm right now, so if you want to save a lot of money, start negotiating now! 

Any agent looking to capture market share will have a field day as the weaker agents drop out of the race, leaving the top producers alone to lead the market back to normal. For those of us lucky enough to benefit from the expertise of an experienced broker that has been through these cycles, this is the time to get into position to own the market!

So, be positive! Be the agent for change that calls on buyers and shows the wisdon of investing now! Good real estate investments are still the top performing assets in the country, and over the next few years they will prove to be the foundation of recovery for the troubled economy.

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Greg Steffens
Mountain Country Realty - Lake Arrowhead, CA

Hey Darrell - Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post.  Be sure to spend some time looking around at what and how others are blogging here.  It is a great education and lots of fun.  Looks like you're off to a great start...keep it up!

Sep 26, 2008 04:01 AM
Nate Blankenship - Spartanburg, SC Realtor
Keller Williams Realty - Spartanburg, SC

Welcome to Active Rain! This is a great site to network, learn and share ideas with others. Have a great day!


Sep 26, 2008 08:14 AM
Keith Elliott Jr
KEIRE Realty Group - Manassas, VA
Principal Broker/Owner

Hello Darrell,

Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post! The opportunities to learn and network are incredible here. Best of luck to you!


Sep 26, 2008 01:43 PM
Ron Martin
Keller Williams Realty - Spartanburg, SC
Ron Martin Team

Good morning & welcome to Active Rain, You have joined an excellent site to receive free marketing, absorb more information from others, share ideas.  Be a blogger and have fun. If you have any clients moving to the Greenville, Spartanburg, & Anderson South Carolina area we are your team. We are on all three MLS. Great blog!  Keep it up. Again Welcome!!

Sep 27, 2008 12:12 AM
Ginger Ryals
Prudential C Dan Joyner and Young Realtors - Spartanburg, SC

Welcome to Active Rain!! This is a great site to network and share ideas!! Have fun with it!!

Sep 27, 2008 12:15 AM
Susan McQuaide
Keller Williams - Simpsonville, SC

Welcome to Active Rain! I hope you find this site as informative and entertaining as I have!

Sep 27, 2008 12:37 AM
Yvette Gardner
Keller Williams Realty, Spartanburg, SC - Spartanburg, SC

Welcome to the Active Rain community. You have chosen a great site with tons of information you can learn from.  Have fun with it and hope to see more of your blogs soon!  We have a team of four outstanding full time agents to assist your buyers and sellers in Spartanburg/Greenville, SC.  Again, welcome to AR!!

Sep 27, 2008 12:47 AM
Lorena Westervelt
Van West Realty - Greenville, SC

Hello, welcome to Active Rain! This seems like a wonderful environment to network as well as learn from others. I hope you enjoy yourself and participate often in the Active Rain environment!

Sep 27, 2008 02:03 AM
Kirk Westervelt
Van West Realty - Greenville, SC Realtor -Short Sale Expert! - Greenville, SC
Kirk Westervelt, Broker In Charge, Van West Realty - CDPE - Short Sale Agent - Home for Sale - Greenville, Simpsonvil...

Hello and welcome to Active Rain! I encourage you to learn from others, share your knowledge and experiences with all of us, enjoy yourself, and try to log in and join us in the Active Rain community as frequently as possible. I look forward to your future blogs and comments! Take care, --Kirk.

Sep 27, 2008 02:06 AM
Bill Kennedy
Keller Williams Greenville Upstate - Greenville, SC
Homes For Sale Greenville SC

Welcome to Active Rain! This is a great website for building your business, as well as learning from others.  Pat yourself on the back, because you made a GREAT choice in joining the blogosphere!

Write often, and write whatever comes to mind.  Blogs about personal topics and non-real estate items are often the best.  It helps your readers to bond with you, and ends up bringing you a lot of business!

Good luck with your future blogging.  If you'd like more info on points in Active Rain, I just wrote a blog about it (click here). Feel free to ask me any questions if you need a hand!

Sep 27, 2008 01:36 PM
Scott Magaw
The Bill Kennedy Team - Keller Williams Realty - Spartanburg, SC

Welcome to active rain! By joining our community, you have made a great choice, and a very profitable choice. This is a great site for learning as well as sharing. Check out some blogs, join some groups, and enjoy! -- Scott

Sep 27, 2008 02:26 PM
Steve Vennemann-Hennepin-Dakota-Anoka contract for deed property-Ramsey-MN
BoardWalk Premier Realty INC - White Bear Lake, MN


Welcome to active rain from this site is a great site to learn from and interact with other Real Estate agents/Broker. 


Sep 30, 2008 06:27 AM