
6 degrees of Kevin Bacon - Remember that game?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Virtual Access Tours Monmouth and Ocean County NJ

Its true that we are all connected in some way. We may never know how but the world being as small as it is and getting smaller everyday who wants to take a chance and creating bad press for ourselves.  That's why I play the  6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon game.

  When I go out to the mall and interact with sales people I think this young lady's father might be my next big sale, or the salesman who stopped in my office to give me information about his services might know 10 other people one might need my services and Viola I have a client.

That's why I practice "be nice and courteous to everyone" Handle disputes with tact. And just because someone is dressed like a slob doesn't mean they have not money and are a waste of my time. No, I take the attitude that they might be a  millionaire in disguise.

Remember the urban legend where some guy stops to help a limo with a flat tire and it happens to be Donald Trump and pays off the guy's mortgage.

I'm not saying that I stop every time I see a car with a flat, but one never knows where the next opportunity comes from even if its just getting in the pearly gates, I'm not taking any chances.

Virtually Yourspeople



Bernard "Bernie" Hartigan
Residential Home Funding - Hoboken, NJ

Cathy very true

Sep 29, 2008 09:47 AM
Gary and Rebecca Bolda
Ark-La-Tex Virtual Media - Shreveport, LA

There is a legend here of a man who walked into a Cadillac dealership wearing a plaid shirt and overalls.  Since he did not appear to be the sort of person to afford a Cadillac, none of the salemen went over to help him.  So the new kid goes to help the man.  The man tells the new salesman which car he wants, then reaches into the pocket of his overalls and pulls out a roll of cash which he pays for the car with.  They say he comes back each year and purchases the latest model - cash - from the same salesman. 

So true what you never know where your next sale will come from!

Oct 07, 2008 01:56 AM
Rick Schmitt
Look Charlotte Media Solutions - Charlotte, NC

There are probably many "urban legends' like the one Gary and Rebecca wrote of.

Several years ago, my brother, Dave, was working at a Lincoln dealership. One day an old Town Car covered with road grime pulled in to the lot. The door opened and out stepped an old man with dirty overalls and boots covered with what appeared to be mud.

Dave ignored the man, but another salesman punched him in the shoulder and told him to go help the old gentleman. My brother laughed and said, "Are you kidding me? Look at that guy." The salesman replied, "Those are $1500 boots covered with cow pooh." I cleaned it up a bit :)

The man pulled out his checkbook and paid cash for a new Town Car. Don't judge by appearance. It's a great life lesson.

Thanks for the post Cathy.

Oct 16, 2008 11:57 AM
Cathy Williams
Virtual Access Tours Monmouth and Ocean County NJ - Freehold, NJ

Hi There Rick, Gary & Rebbecca,

Thanks for reading my blog and the for the comments. I hope this economical market fines you well.


Nov 02, 2008 10:11 PM
Jeff Gettings
J Gettings Photography - Biloxi, MS

Now, if only some of the folks that I make cold calls to could read this blog!!  HA!  sometimes I hate being a salesperson!


Nov 04, 2008 05:07 AM