Did you know you can instruct Outlook Express what to do with unwanted messages you receive? For example, if you keep receiving spam from a particular address, you can block all messages from that address.
Here's how...
- Open Tools and select Message Rules then select Mail.
- In the Message Rules dialog box, click on New.
- Select "where from line contains people" and click on the "contains people" link below.
- Type in the unwanted email address that's been spamming you.
- Next select "Delete it from server" for the Actions.
Now any email you receive from that unwanted email spammer will never be downloaded.
Give your rule a name and click OK.
Did you know you can Drag-n-Drop file attachments in Outlook Express?
Here's how...
Find the file you want to add to your message using your Windows Explorer (also called my computer).
Select the file and drag it into the message area of your e-mail.
Outlook Express will automatically insert it as a file attachment.
In addition, you can drag file attachments from received emails to save them to the desktop or a folder.
Good luck