I am more than happy to share the benefit of my experience with anyone out there who needs it whether they be potential sellers or real estate agents. It is my mission to educate the profession and the public about the option of short sales and to eliminate any fears or objections surrounding it. Realtors seem to find them distasteful as a rule because of the longer amount of time it takes to get to closing. On the other hand, for buyers, they can be a fantastic opportunity to buy a home at a discounted price because of the as-is nature of the sale. At a time when so many of these homes are fairly new, many less than 2 years old, they are not distressed in any way other than needing a good cleaning! Oftentimes, they don't even need that due to the fact that the sellers are good people and are just trying to do the right thing and have every intention of delivering their property in good shape to the buyers to whom they are eternally grateful for buying their home.
I am looking for questions, comments, suggestions, input, education.