I think after completing 11 REO Properties this past year, I'm ready to continue to pursuing this type of business. Its hard work, but no different that going on an interview with a combative seller that refuses to hear our advice. I've logged on about 10 different registration sites, OCWEN, HomeEq, Greenlink, Clear Capital, & Res Net to name a few. In thinking I would promote our BPO services, & full cycle institutional REO management. The banks want to unload their properties, & with the right marketing, regular communication, & a solid REO Team in place, these are systematic by nature & can be mastered (I think).
At first, was hesitate to admit that yes, its true I want more BPO's & opportunities to list institutional owned properties. But, after great thought, I want to focus on this new arena as a listing agent.
If you have any other sites to register for REO/BPO opportunities &/or any advice for me, its greatly appreciated.
This is my very *first* post in Active Rain & am making another commitment. That is, to continue to stay in touch with our community & be a regular. Whew, the first one is the hardest!