
Why I LOVE El Paso/Fort Bliss, TX

Real Estate Agent with The Real Estate Power Houses

Top 10 reasons to love El Paso, TX.....El Paso, TX: Bordering on Sustainability

El Paso's low cost of living compares very favorably with other major cities. On average, El Pasoans pay 94% of the national average for all items.
El Paso's cost of living is low compared to other U.S. cities.

San Diego, CA


Santa Fe, NM


Denver, CO


Las Vegas, NV


Albuquerque, NM


Phoenix, AZ


Tuscon, AZ




These statistics were provided by the Industrial Development Council of the Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce.

Over the past 400 years the many cultures have enriched El Paso. Native Indians, Spanish conquistadors, Central and South Americans, Europeans and Asians have all contributed in enriching El Paso's cultural life.

3)     NO STATE INCOME TAX  Go to fullsize image  
El Pasoans aren't hit with a state, city or county income tax.

4)     WEATHER
Plenty of hot enjoyable weather.  That's why we're know as "The Sun City." El Paso's average summer high is 95 degrees with fairly low humidity. The average winter high temperature is 50.6 - 60 degrees.  Annual rainfall is only 8.65 inches.  You can enjoy 202 days per year of clear skies.  Current weather

5)     One of the 10 Cities Most Safe From Natural Disasters according to an article recently published in US News-Money & Business 
Here's a list of the 10 cities.

1. Mesa, AZ
2. Milwaukee, WI
3. Cleveland, OH
4. Phoenix, AZ
5. Tucson, AZ
6. El Paso, TX
7. Colorado Springs, CO
8. Philadelphia, PA
9. Minneapolis, MN
10. Detroit, MI

6)     THE MAJESTIC MOUNTAINS-      Go to fullsize image

7)     THE FOOD -  El Paso specializes in Mexican dishes which you can enjoy throughout the city.  

Chicos Tacos is a locally owned business that was founded in 1953. Chicos Tacos is known for its "rolled tacos" drenched in a yummy spicy tomato like sauce. Those that leave El Paso and come back to visit make it a point to grab Chicos Tacos before they leave El Paso. Get a single order of (3 rolled tacos) or get a double order of 6 with EXTRA CHEESE!

8)     The MILITARY - We have such a large military family.

9)     University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) - GO MINERS!!!

10) EASY COMMUTING - Alternative roads pave the way for a much easier & relaxing commute around the city.  Sure we have some traffic but nothing compared to other big cities I've been to.

The city of El Paso is the 5th LARGEST city in Texas and the 23rd LARGEST CITY in the United States. The city of Juarez is the 5th LARGEST city in Mexico.

Fort Bliss, TX map

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Greg Gorman
John R Wood Properties - Naples, FL
Naples Florida Real Estate

OMG Yvette - I love this post! Your passion for El Paso is so clear and the bits of history a nice touch. Can't wait for smells to come across the internet...I could almost smell the tacos!

Thanks for sharing and best wishes for a strong 4th quarter 08! Greetings from Paradise.

Realtor Greg Gorman & Team Paradise Logo

Oct 06, 2008 10:23 PM
Yvette Lopez-Robinson
The Real Estate Power Houses - El Paso, TX

Thanks Greg - the tacos are GREAT! Best wishes to you as well.

Oct 07, 2008 10:34 AM
Kelly Willey
Coco Plum Real Estate, Kelly Willey, FLORIDA KEYS - Marathon, FL
Florida Keys Luxury Sales, Marathon, Key Colony

Hi Yvette: Welcome to AR and great post about your area....keep up the great work...

florida keys marathon real estate

Oct 20, 2008 03:10 PM
Karen Kruschka
RE/MAX Executives - Woodbridge, VA
- "My Experience Isn't Expensive - It's PRICELESS"

Being from Albuquerque originally I know exactly what you mean - I keep telling my husband everything doesn't need to be green to be beautiful unless its' taco sauce,  Karen

Oct 21, 2008 04:08 AM
1SG (Ret.) David Kucic
Hawaii Military Realty, Inc. - Ewa Beach, HI
President and Owner

Aloha Yvette-Several of my old Army buddies are stationed there or have come thru Ft. Bliss to the Sergeants Major Academy and said that it is a great place.  Pretty hot in the summer though!

Oct 21, 2008 02:42 PM
Yvette Lopez-Robinson
The Real Estate Power Houses - El Paso, TX

Kelly - Thanks for the welcome!

Karen - When you're surrounded by beautiful people it's ok if the background scenery is lacking some grenery. With our more frequent rains it's starting to get a bit greener.  :)

David - ALOHA! I sure miss Hawaii though we were stationed 3yrs on Schofield.

Oct 21, 2008 03:51 PM
Laura Watts
Positive Properties, LLC - Laurinburg, NC

El Paso sounds great, especially the no tax part.  I see why you love it so much-the mountains are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Oct 22, 2008 11:40 AM
Jese Gonzalez
The Real Estate Power Houses - El Paso, TX
The Real Estate Matchmaker

Yvette!  Amiga...great post. You captured the true feel of El Paso. I loved it!

Oct 22, 2008 02:35 PM
Yvette Lopez-Robinson
The Real Estate Power Houses - El Paso, TX

Laura - The mountains are definately breathtaking!

Jese - Thanks I'm sure you love El Paso just as much as I do :)

Oct 22, 2008 04:01 PM

El Paso  is a very friendly city, and very safe; but, has more negavitve traits than positive. El Paso offers the worst in nutritional food; this explains the blimps in shopping malls. The city is very bad for pedestrians; also, explaining the blimps. Very few gyms. Education? Visit the east side; not, far east, and many don't seem to have completed their free, public education. There are also too few book stores there, can El Pasoans read? Honestly, I liked Juarez a lot better, I expected developing country standards there. El Paso is in the U.S., but.........

Apr 06, 2010 03:30 AM