
Homes for Sale in Fullerton CA | Any Bailout Impact on Local Real Estate?

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Will Fullerton Homes go up in value because of the Bailout?

If you check financial sources, the consensus appears to be, "not very likely any time soon". Buchanan Street Partners' Tim Ballard thinks the bailout will foster some favorable opportunities for institutional investors but this may not do much more than keep pricing stable or from decreasing as fast, but assured credit restrictions will mean twice the equity that was needed in 2006 (ie. down payment) will be required for first time mortgages in '09. This will keep real estate buying tepid. Homes for sale in Fullerton CA will remain in the same market environment we have experienced in 2008. Well qualified buyers will find competitive pricing and ample inventory in Orange County areas but investment firms holding billions in capital looking for opportunities will keep prices from steep slides. Conversely, no pricing increases are likely any time soon.

Expect no return to 2005/2006 exuberance in the markets. We can count on what Nancy Pelosi said on September 28th, "The party is over."

If you are buying a home, values in Fullerton CA homes for sale will remain attractive. If you're selling, you'll definitely need an experienced capable professional to assist you in the continuing very tough credit environment.

One bright spot for buyers is the drop in interest rates since the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. If you're qualified as a buyer. The rates will favorably impact your bottom line. Current rates are sweetening deal for what is on the market now.

Please contact me now at 714-875-4423 to tell me about your needs in finding the right home, or selling your home in Fullerton or Brea.

 Homes for sale in Fullerton, CA

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Nazila Pace
Pace Davis LLC Consulting Group - Beverly Hills, CA

DIRECT Private Money Commercial/SFR

Jan 27, 2011 03:26 AM