Been thinking about all the good things I have -- counting Life's blessings you might say.
My Wife,
My Daughters,
Their Health,
My Health,
Our Freedom,
Those Willing Souls Who Sacrificed Much if Not All So We Could Have It,
Our Good Friends,
A Cool-in-Summer, Warm-in-the-Winter, Dry Place to Sleep,
A Lush, Green Summer Garden,
A Tasty and Bountiful Fall Harvest,
A Wagging, Grinning Golden Retriever that Watches My Every Move and Follows Wherever I go,
Living in a Land of Relative Peace,
The Ability to Think, -- To Plan -- To Dream,
The Opportunity to Work -- to Realize the Dreams,
The Privilege of Doing That in the Calling(s) of My Choosing, And . . .
Coming Home at the End of Any Day to the Loving Embraces of my Wife & Our Girls.
There is oh, so much more. But, I think you get the idea.
In a world so full of trouble, trial, and things that strike fear to the heart, (seen my share of that) I've come to believe that there is always something to be thankful for.
And, I've become convinced that reflecting on those things heals the heart and restores the soul, making us ready again for tomorrow's rewarding battle.
Just a few thoughts that brighten my way, and I commend them to you all in the midst of all the trouble & gloom in the media these days. May they brighten yours as well.