

Real Estate Agent with Westcott Group Real Estate Company


When I was in grade school, we started each day with the pledge of allegiance.  As is the case with most kids, it was more about routine than trying to gather any meaning from the words that I uttered each day.  As I grew up, I could appreciate the significance of the pledge, but it still wasn't something that I contemplated much.  This all changed in 2001 on 9/11, when I finally understood why the pledge of allegiance was so important.  For the first time, I felt truly connected to every word, and to my fellow Americans. 


There is no doubt that 9/11 was one of the worst days in American history.  Having witnessed it up close and personal, I can say that I never thought that any positives would ever come of that day.  I didn't realize it at the time, but one very big positive did come out of 9/11, although it seems that it was short-lived.  I can't speak for the rest of the country, but in New York, there was a feeling in the air that we were all in this together.  Patriotism was at an all-time high, and differences were put aside as we were united as one.


For those of you that read my blog, you may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately.  Initially, it was because I was dealing with some health issues that have since been resolved.  During this time, I spent a lot of time watching CNBC, and following the financial crisis to see how it would affect me on both a personal and professional level.  There was a brief time when I felt that sense that we were all going to come together again as our country was in crisis.  Unfortunately, it didn't last, and a solid foundation began to fracture, until yesterday, when the fracture evolved into an abyss.


In an election year, there is bound to be political posturing, but I had hoped that politicians would come together for the good of the country in a time of crisis.  They did NOT!  Like petulant children that want to take their ball and go home if things don't go their way, our "leaders" turned an important piece of legislation aimed at saving our financial system, and quite frankly, our way of life, into a game of "he said, she said."  Following the failing of the financial rescue bill to pass yesterday, the stock market plummeted by its largest margin ever (777 points).  This sell-off was worse than the one that occurred after 9/11 and the stock market crash of 1987.


You would think that after yesterday's events, the politicians would have realized that they needed to come together to do their part to help remedy this financial crisis that is threatening a global meltdown.  Instead, the ones that were interviewed immediately started the partisan finger-pointing that has become all too commonplace in recent times.  The sad part is that the people that are going to suffer from the politician's actions are not just the Wall Street "fat cats" that seem to be bearing the brunt of the blame.  Quite the contrary!


We are all going to suffer if this crisis is not addressed with swift action.  This is not merely about a stock market sell-off.  While a declining stock market is harmful to a lot of people, it is not nearly as dire as the frozen credit markets that now exist.  It's obvious that frozen credit markets can hurt those that are looking for a mortgage, a car loan or a loan for a college education, but this runs much deeper than that.  Businesses, both large and small, rely upon credit lines to keep their business operating.  If this crisis persists, businesses will close, jobs will be lost, unemployment will rise, people will lose their homes, retirement accounts will be greatly diminished, and we may very well get to see what it is like to live through a depression.


Whether you are a Democrat or Republican right now is of little consequence.  It doesn't matter if you support Obama, McCain or a third-party candidate in this year's election.  This financial rescue plan is necessary to fix a broken system.  Is any taxpayer happy about being a part of a $700 billion "bailout?"  NO!  But that doesn't mean that it isn't necessary.  None of us like paying exorbitant medical bills, but we would do so if it were vital to our survival.  Furthermore, there is a very good chance that this plan will cost far less than the $700 billion that has people up in arms. 


Any money that is being invested in mortgage backed securities has the potential to not only be recouped, but it may also generate profits that will be returned to the taxpayers.  This money is going to be used to purchase assets at a discount rate.  As REALTORS®, we work with people all of the time that are looking for a "deal" on real estate, but "fire sale" bargains are rarely ever found by the small investor because they don't have the leverage to make it happen.  Our government has more leverage than any other entity in the world.  The problem is that its ego-driven gatekeepers must work as a team to allow the leverage to be used.


Perhaps it would be best to have the members of congress recite the pledge of allegiance over and over again until they fully understand the meaning behind it...


I pledge allegiance

To the flag

Of the United States of America

And to the republic

For which it stands


Under God


With liberty and justice for all


It's time for the rhetoric to stop, and for action to start.  For the good of the country that they serve, the members of congress need to stop campaigning and start doing the job that they were hired to do.  Nothing less is expected of each of us in our respective careers. 

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Eleanor Thorne
Equity Resources - Cary, NC
Advantage Lending 919-649-5058

Adam - read this earlier - but after the debate last night, I wanted to come back and re-read.  Yep, words still ring true.  We have to get past the "name calling" and get to NOW WHAT???

Oct 08, 2008 12:55 AM
Craig Rutman
Helping people in transition - Cary, NC
Raleigh, Cary, Apex area Realtor


First off, I want to wish you a 100% rebound from whatever was ailing you.

Next, I want to congratulate you on what I deem as a wonderful post. Now is not the time to be divided. Our country needs to bond together as we did right after 9/11 in an effort to get this economic crisis behind us.

Oct 08, 2008 01:38 AM
Debbie Summers
Charles Rutenberg Realty - New Smyrna Beach, FL


I miss you!  Along with a lot of other people.  I too wish you the best and hope to find you back in the rain soon.

Oct 09, 2008 05:45 AM
Audrey Hoffman
VoteAudrey blog - Columbia, SC



Glad to see you --- I too have been out of the Rain in efforts in restore/rechannel my career path in addition to health struggles (thankfully almost fully back on track) and out of the Rain.  Thanks for sharing this commentary -- it is time for a nation to NOT be divided, yet diverging views during an election year make it almost impossible to band together and jump on that proverbial one page.  My hope is that IN SPITE OF differences, the issues of importance, the fires engulfing America today, will rise above and not be clouded by political discord.  

Hope you are getting better --- totally feeling you there!  




Oct 20, 2008 05:39 AM
Edna Jamieson
Lakeshore Rentals & Sales, Inc. - Roanoke, VA

Wow Adam, you have alot of great blogs!  I need to take time to really go through them all.  I was up in LI late March of this year to a SE living Real estate Expo.  We had over 700 attendees and I was so excited about all the prospects I had obtained.  However, I have not gotten one sale from my list as of yet, since clients need to sell their homes on the island before they can buy another.  I am with you in saying our politicians need to work together to fix this mess!  If your ever down in SW Virginia, give us a call.  Tom and I would love to show you around. 

I'm originally from Newburgh and do miss all the Fall happenings this time of year.  But I don't regret coming down to SW Virginia either.  If you ever know of anyone looking for a great place to retire or buy a vacation home, Smith Mountain Lake Virginia is truly a great place to live and only 8 hours from NY or FL.  My house taxes are only $1200.00 per YEAR.  Most New Yorkers pay that a month.  We have 4 seasons, but very mild winters and almost no snow!  Best of luck to you and have a great day!

Edna Ledoux Jamieson


Lakeshore Rentals & Sales Inc.

Smith Mountain Lake VA. , SW Virginia's best kept secret.  Only 4 hours from D.C. or 8 hours from NY or FL!

Oct 21, 2008 05:39 AM
Dione Sage
Nova Home Loans - Gilbert, AZ

Adam - I loved your post. I agree with you it is time all the bombast stops and something really happens. I for one cant wait till the elections are over with. Make a choice one way or the other people like it or not someone is going to win and we will know soon but as for me - I just want my television and radio back to normal (kinda). Excellent post again Adam - Keep up the great writing

Nov 03, 2008 06:18 AM
Patricia Beck
RE/MAX Properties, Inc., ABR, GRI, SRES - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs Realty

What stuck out to me most is that our Country has to be United, you are so right!  Hope all of the issues with your health cleared up!

Nov 04, 2008 12:47 AM
Jim Crawford
Long & Foster - Fredericksburg, VA
Jim Crawford Broker Associate Fredericksburg VA

Great post, and advice.  Congress needs to remember ti is not abuot them, but it is about "We the people!"

Nov 04, 2008 01:18 AM
Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495


On this first day after the election, I'm going to pray for wisdom for President Elect Obama, as he works to assemble the cabinet of individuals who will help him to lead our great nation.  Now that he's in, he's my president, and I owe him the same degree of prayer and respect that I have for George W. Bush.

I'm betting that the outgoing administration won't take the "O" off the white house keyboards!

Mike in Tucson

Nov 05, 2008 02:40 AM
Joey Remondino
RE/MAX Preferred Properties - Vienna, VA
Broker, GRI, E-Pro


Thanks for the post it is written well with very good points and I will also agree with Mikes comment above.

Nov 05, 2008 03:41 AM
Laura Acocella Assoc. Broker
Coldwell Banker - Yorktown Heights, NY


You seem like a real and genuine person; I share many of your settements..don't know what your malady was but feel better and look forward to your blogs!

Nov 15, 2008 04:03 AM
Jesse Clifton
Jesse Clifton & Associates - Fairbanks, AK

Alright, Mr. Waldman... we haven't seen a new post from you in a while.  I certainly hope you're doing well and not having any health issues.  Take care of yourself buddy.

Nov 23, 2008 05:51 PM
Gary Woltal
Keller Williams Realty - Flower Mound, TX
Assoc. Broker Realtor SFR Dallas Ft. Worth

Adam, I echo Jesse's concern. Where's Adam? The Rain misses him. Hope you are doing ok man.

Nov 25, 2008 07:27 AM
Tim Ludemann
Ochopee, FL

Well said!...we need to put differences aside and start marching forward...

Dec 04, 2008 10:47 PM
Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495


I miss your writing.  What's up, and when are you coming back?

Mike in Tucson

Jan 19, 2009 09:27 PM
Mott Marvin Kornicki
Waterway Realtors® • Notary Public & Apostille - Sunny Isles, FL
Miami Notary & Apostille 786-229-7999


I hope that you are feeling better and that you'll be back writing often- as you once did. We are indeed one nation, under G-D and indivisible. The USA is home to anyone and everyone and some people have their own agenda. It seems that our economic situation will soon pass, but like the events of 9/11- we will never forget and things will never be the same.


Real Estate In Miami // Mott Kornicki // Associate | Broker

Aventura // Bal Harbour // Sunny Isles Beach • Florida

Jan 24, 2009 07:01 AM
April Hayden-Munson
Brookfield, WI
Brookfield Wisconsin Real Estate

Adam, I just popped by to see what's been happening with you.   I hope things are a-ok and you'll be back blogging by us again soon. :)

Feb 10, 2009 06:46 AM
Dan Woodworth
The Connection - Garden City, ID
Encouraging Communicator

Hi Adam,  Profound Post!  We are corroding away as a nation.  We must be united in our values which are based in the Constitution, the Pledge and our other foundational principles!  I have been out of the loop in AR for the past three months finishing up my doctorate, but I did write a post today about "Dare to Dream and Do the Impossible!"  That's what we need to do for our nation!

May 08, 2009 09:19 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Hi Adam!  WE MISS YOU!!  Come visit us...your contribution is truly missed.

Have a wonderful weekend...

Debe in Charlotte

May 08, 2009 01:04 PM
Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495


Thanks for your three part (to be continued) series.  It's good to see you back in the rain.

Mike in Tucson

Jul 15, 2009 12:40 AM