
Advertising effective types?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Real Estate Professionals

We are currently having a discussion about the most effective use of our advertising dollars.  Our office currently uses various specialized magazines, our own website and Realtor .com and the local Real Estate TV show..  The hot button which seems to create the most discussion is whether the use of the local paper is truly an effective media.  In speaking with various clients we have found that the majority of our contact come from either the internet, TV or the specialty magazines. The local newspaper dedicates an entire section as in most market on a specific day to Local Real estate offerings from every company in this market. The qualifying Broker and Associate Broker both feel to be a part of the MAJOR day with all the competition is sort of like trying to find a specific grain of sand on a beach.  We seem to have had better success with spot ads in a variety of sections on days when the paper isn't inundated with multiple ads.  We'd like input from other markets as to your perceptions of the types of effective marketing as related to local newspapers.

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RE/MAX Shoreline - Portsmouth, NH
Buying or Selling? Ann & Jim are the local experts

In my hardly ever humble opinion your local newspaper, whichever one it is, is a stone loser for advertising real estate.

I believe the places you said you are currently spending your money are probably the ones.

Sep 06, 2006 08:56 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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