
Become A Rookie That Rocks

Real Estate Agent with Prudential California Realty

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Here is some advice for new agents.  It came from 4 agents that have only been in the business for 3-4 yrs, but have become very successful.

Most effective things to do in your business:

  • Know your inventory - Caravan even if you don't have any clients 
  • Develop a Sphere of Influence - Give your cards to a couple of people to pass out for you
  • Make sure to prospect - cold calls, warm calls, door knocking, expired listings (Not everyone is comfortable doing this)
  • Be active
  • Send cards or newsletters out
  • Track where your business is coming from
  • Don't make a client or prospective client feel like another number on your list
  • Set goals - be specific and visualize 

How not to waste time:

  • Prioritize each day - block a time to make phone calls, return emails, prospect, caravan, etc.
  • Set a schedule and stick to it the best you can
  • Always plan the night before for the next day
  • Stay away from negative people - find the good in everything 

Things that they would do differently if they were starting over:

  • Don't be shy about being a real estate agent
  • Work their sphere
  • Do a business plan
  • Qualify clients better
    • Buyers
      • Send them to a lender
      • Take them around 3 times and if they still are not ready then don't spend as much time with them
    • Seller 
      • Find out how strong their motivation is

Advice on prospecting:

  • Do open houses
  • Find creative ways to add value to other people
  • Check flex in the morning and at night - be on top of what's new


The biggest thing to remember is NEVER GIVE UP!






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David Saks
Memphis, TN
Broker / Industry Analyst

Fine post, Jennifer. We should never be shy, but proud to be real estate agents, and it's because of agent's like yourself with fortitude and the ambition to be creative and spirited.

Many thanks, and hopes for a fine week ahead for you.

Oct 01, 2008 12:11 PM
Tim and Pam Cash
Crye-Leike (Sango) - Clarksville, TN
Real Estate Professionals - Clarksville TN

Jennifer - valuable pointers even for the most seasoned.  Thanks for sharing.

Oct 01, 2008 12:15 PM
Fred Carver Real Estate Consulant
Retired BC Realtor - Victoria, BC
Accredited Real Estate Consultant

Hi Jennifer...Great Post! Open Houses are the only time the public comes to Us..I changed my thoughts on doing them...I've been getting listings doing them by meeting and talking to Sellers at my Open Houses!!!

Cheers, thanks for sharing...see you at Twitter!

Oct 01, 2008 03:34 PM
Mary Ann Daniell Realtor
Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC - Killeen, TX
Delivering Successful Results Since 1999

All great advice!  Especially the part about "don't be shy".   I remember how hard it was to get over that (way back in the day!)    Veteran agents would do well to read this post and think about getting back to basics in the current market.

Oct 03, 2008 03:09 AM
Ann Allen Hoover
RE/MAX Advantage South - Hoover, AL
CDPE SRES ASP e-PRO Realtor - Homes for Sale - AL

Hi Jennifer!  These are great tips, and would like to emphasize knowing your inventory.  It makes it so much easier when you know your stuff.  Another biggie to me - stay away from negative people!  They rub off on you faster than you can imagine.

Have a great day!

Oct 08, 2008 02:14 AM
LS Rogers Realty
LS Rogers Realty - Richardson, TX

Excellent tips for newbies and seasoned agents alike. And what Ann says about staying away from negative people is dead on.

Oct 08, 2008 06:17 AM
Jennifer Bragg
Prudential California Realty - Santa Barbara, CA

Thank you all for stopping by my post. Glad these tips were helpful. Positive thinking is what will keep us strong in this market.

Oct 14, 2008 09:14 AM
Michele Reneau
Certified Staging Professional (CSP) Elite Instructor - Summerville, SC
Realtor, GRI ~ Charleston, SC Relocation Experts Team

Great advice for rookies and a great reminder for pros. I'm amazed at agents that get in the RE business and then want to be secret agents.  If they are embarassed about being a realtor, maybe it's time to look for a new job. 

Nov 12, 2008 12:13 AM
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services Inc - Gulf Breeze, FL
Buyers Agent 800-309-3414 Pace and Gulf Breeze,Fl.

I am suprised to not find the internet in any of their recommendations. I wonder why? But the list is reenforcement of what has always been tried and true.

Nov 14, 2008 10:07 AM
Jennifer Bragg
Prudential California Realty - Santa Barbara, CA

Michele - I completely agree.  There is no reason to be shy.

Candice - Keep on reading the books. They pay off in the long run.  As you can see other people are reading them too.

Joyce - There are a majority of agents that are still getting use to the idea of using the internet to promote themselves.  I think if the same agents sat down 4 years from now, the internet would definitely be on the list.


Nov 20, 2008 03:20 PM