I am a new ActiveRain member and I am looking fore some blogging tips. Thank you.
Welcome to active rain Koroll, and congrats on joining. I would start off by reading some blogs of interest, and searching for groups of interest and join them.
Welcome to the AR community. I started out by reading a lot and I subscribed to blogs I found interesting. I also commented on posts that I felt I had something to add to. Best wishes and I look forward to reading your blog.
Hello Koroll, I would start by proof reading your blog post as you always want to spell correctly. There is some great information on this board, and read lots of blogs as you will develop a blog style. I wish you well, and welcome.
You need atleast 50 words in you post to get points. You can edit is blog to add words and get your points.
Koroll, First welcome to ActiveRain, you made a great decision to join. Next you might want to set a half hour a day and read posts from others. Read some of the comments and when you feel comfortable start posting. I look forward to reading your second post...
Koroll - Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post. Be sure to spend some time looking around at what and how others are blogging here - it is a great education and lots of fun. Looks like you're off to a great start...keep it up!
Welcome to active rain from http://www.mnlakeplace.com this site is a great site to learn from and interact with other Real Estate agents/Broker.
Welcome to Active Rain and congratulations on your first post. I stay mainly in localism and market my area and my homes. But you have to find your "own voice". Write about what you know....be yourself....the AR community is great....and the staff is incredible.....there is support and more.
Koroll, Welcome to Active Rain and congratulations on your first blog post. I recommend you read and comment on at least ten posts a day to get the most out of your blogging experience. Good luck and happy blogging.
Good morning & welcome to Active Rain, You have joined an excellent site to receive free marketing, absorb more information from others, share ideas. Be a blogger and have fun. If you have any clients moving to the Greenville, Spartanburg, & Anderson South Carolina area we are your team. We are on all three MLS. Great blog! Keep it up. Again Welcome!!