To all my fellow Canadian Realtors;
I am writing this blog to remind you of all the insane Real Estate Laws that the Conserative Party (Mr. Harper) has inputed in the last year, or, two.
I, hope, that, if, you're planning on voting for this party, that you will take yourself down to the local Psych Hospital, check yourself in, and have them throw away the key!
This Prime Minster is, trying, to destroy the Canadian Real Estate business, single-handily. First there is the no call list. Then there is the no knock list (soon to be implemented (already some Cities in BC with this rule), so that, virtually, wipes out how to get a listing (farming). Then the rising cost of gasoline, Where's our gas surcharge? (Sorry Mr. Dion, we will not be voting for you either-because, we are never going to qualify, for therefund, with all the driving that we do). Then there was the verification of occu[ation (is that not the job of a Lawyer/MNotary/Mortgage Broker) Hey, I get paid by commission, not, by the hour. I do not have the time, with my millions of other forms that I have to fill out, plus all the other fidisuary duties that I am responsible for. Now I have to verify a clients occupation? Plus, keep it on file for 5 years, plus collect their Driver's License/Passport, in this day and age of Identity Theft. Yeah, thats about as easy as pullling teeth. Then Mr. Harper, decides that our 40 year Mortgages (2.67% failure rate), which means that 97 +% of the clients in Canada are fullfilling their 40 year Mortgage committments (so lets change that, because, we are idiots), then, now, they are raising the cost of borrowing on Mortgages, because, hey the Canadian Banks (making over $1,000,000.00, profit, every year, just do not have enough money). Mr. Harper, is, virtually, killing the Real Estate Market in Canada, especially, for first time home buyers and we (us Realtors) like a bunch of Sheep, are just sitting back letting him screw us. When was the last time that you wrote to your local (Federal) Conservative MLA, complaining about how the conservatives are ruining, not only he Real Estate Market in Canada, but, our Economy, as well. (Remember in February, March, and April 2008 when the Canadian Dollar was worth more than the American Dollar?,Remeber what the gasoline prices were back then? Remeber how much money, most, of us Canadians were making on Real Estate? I am not just talking about the Realtors here either, the selllers, the buyers, the investors, almost everybody)
So, I, for one am not voting Conservative, I am not voting Liberal, So, I guess, I am voting NDP, maybe they will repeal some of these ridiculous Real Estate Laws, or, at least change them to something that makes more sense?
If, all, of us Realtors in Canada, stuck together (there is, probably, 75,000, to 100,000 of us) and we each wrote a letter to our Federal Conservative MLA, telling them that we are going to vote for the NDP for the reasons mentioned above, how long do you think it would take them to re-think their stupid Real Estate Laws, and programs? You may, also want to mention that our dry-cleaning and/or, new clothing be tax deductiable (do they really expect us to go around dressed like slobs?).
This Blog is my own personal Idea. These thoughts are mine, you can agree, or, disagree with me, as you seee fit, however, if, we all wrote, or, at least most of us then I know that they would have to listen. These, ideas are not a reflection on the company, I work for.
Take Care;
Ross Stacey Chilliwack, B.C. Canada