
Canadian Federal Elections

Real Estate Agent with LandMark Realty

To all my fellow Canadian Realtors;

I am writing this blog to remind you of all the insane Real Estate Laws that the Conserative Party (Mr. Harper) has inputed in the last year, or, two.

I, hope, that, if, you're planning on voting for this party, that you will take yourself down to the local Psych Hospital, check yourself in, and have them throw away the key!

This Prime Minster is, trying, to destroy the Canadian Real Estate business, single-handily.  First there is the no call list.  Then there is the no knock list (soon to be implemented (already some Cities in BC with this rule), so that, virtually, wipes out how to get a listing (farming).  Then the rising cost of gasoline, Where's our gas surcharge? (Sorry Mr. Dion, we will not be voting for you either-because, we are never going to qualify, for therefund, with all the driving that we do).  Then there was the verification of occu[ation (is that not the job of a Lawyer/MNotary/Mortgage Broker) Hey, I get paid by commission, not, by the hour.  I do not have the time, with my millions of other forms that I have to fill out, plus all the other fidisuary duties that I am responsible for.  Now I have to verify a clients occupation?  Plus, keep it on file for 5 years, plus collect their Driver's License/Passport, in this day and age of Identity Theft.  Yeah, thats about as easy as pullling teeth.  Then Mr. Harper, decides that our 40 year Mortgages (2.67% failure rate), which means that 97 +% of the clients in Canada are fullfilling their 40 year Mortgage committments (so lets change that, because, we are idiots), then, now, they are raising the cost of borrowing on Mortgages, because, hey the Canadian Banks (making over $1,000,000.00, profit, every year, just do not have enough money).  Mr. Harper, is, virtually, killing the Real Estate Market in Canada, especially, for first time home buyers and we (us Realtors) like a bunch of Sheep, are just sitting back letting him screw us.  When was the last time that you wrote to your local (Federal) Conservative MLA, complaining about how the conservatives are ruining, not only he Real Estate Market in Canada, but, our Economy, as well.  (Remember in February, March, and April 2008 when the Canadian Dollar was worth more than the American Dollar?,Remeber what the gasoline prices were back then?  Remeber how much money, most, of us Canadians were making on Real Estate?  I am not just talking about the Realtors here either, the selllers, the buyers, the investors, almost everybody)

So, I, for one am not voting Conservative, I am not voting Liberal, So, I guess, I am voting NDP, maybe they will repeal some of these ridiculous Real Estate Laws, or, at least change them to something that makes more sense?

If, all, of us Realtors in Canada, stuck together (there is, probably, 75,000, to 100,000 of us) and we each wrote a letter to our Federal Conservative MLA, telling them that we are going to vote for the NDP for the reasons mentioned above, how long do you think it would take them to re-think their stupid Real Estate Laws, and programs?  You may, also want to mention that our dry-cleaning and/or, new clothing be tax deductiable (do they really expect us to go around dressed like slobs?).

This Blog is my own personal Idea.  These thoughts are mine, you can agree, or, disagree with me, as you seee fit, however, if, we all wrote, or, at least most of us then I know that they would have to listen.  These, ideas are not a reflection on the company, I work for.

Take Care;

Ross Stacey  Chilliwack, B.C. Canada





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Tina M. Haugen
Simply Vegas #1 for a Reason - Henderson, NV


Oct 02, 2008 06:45 PM
Liz Moras Migic
Chilliwack, BC
Chilliwack, British Columbia - Realtor

Well Ross - what a way to Debut on Active Rain!  Nothing like starting it all of with a political post!  You brave man you ! Obviously something you feel very passionate about!  So Congratulations on your First Post and Welcome!

Oct 03, 2008 04:09 PM
Debbie DiFonzo
Debbie DiFonzo - United Country VIP Realty, SW Missouri - Lebanon, MO
Lebanon MO and Buffalo Missouri Real Estate

Welcome Ross! Glad Liz introduced you to AR.

Interesting stuff. Didn't realize Canada was about to have an election as well. Also did not realize you are facing some of the challenges we already face - ie the no call list. Have never heard of the "no knock list."

Can't wait to read more!

Oct 03, 2008 04:25 PM
Matt Grohe
RE/MAX Concepts - Des Moines, IA
Serving the metro since 2003

Ross: Welcome to active rain. Sorry to hear you're having trouble up there. Hope you can get it all sorted out and all. Cheers!

Oct 03, 2008 04:26 PM
Robert Huntsinger
Empire Realty - Upland, CA
Empire Realty Upland, CA - Full Service at a Discount

Hey Ross,

Liz gave you some props on her blog, happy to see you found our little community here.  Hope you enjoy it.

Take care!


Oct 03, 2008 04:39 PM
Terri Kincaid
ERA Brokers Consolidated - Mesquite, NV

Ross, welcome to Active Rain!  I would comment on your post, but I really don't know anything about politics in Canada.  I do think it is great that you speak your opinion.

Oct 03, 2008 04:53 PM
Thom Abbott |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living - Atlanta, GA
Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale

Ross....Indeed Welcome to Active Rain! And I thought our elections were something else!

Oct 03, 2008 04:57 PM
Tammy Lankford,
Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668 - Eatonton, GA
Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville

Welcome Ross- I see you speak/type your mind.  Great job.  I hope things go your way in the election.  Seems like government is nuts all over the place.

Oct 03, 2008 05:01 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Ross:  Welcome to Active Rain.  Obviously... you do not have a problem sharing your thoughts with others.  Cool !  Here is a link  - The ActiveRain Starter Kit - that many folks new to Active Rain find useful.  Hope you too find it helpful.

Oct 03, 2008 05:25 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

By the way, Ross.  Somehow when you uploaded your picture to your Active Rain profile... it shrunk... LOL.  We can hardly see you...  :(

Oct 03, 2008 05:27 PM
Jeremy Blanton
Myrtle Beach Homes Blog - Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach REALTOR®-

Hey Ross Liz said to come by and say hello, so welcome to activerain!  I hope you love it as much as I do!

Oct 03, 2008 06:23 PM
Sidney Kutchuk - Realty Works Temecula Kutchuk - Realty Works Temecula
Realty Works Temecula - Temecula, CA
Realty Works Temecula

Ross, Welcome.  Liz is a great mentor.  She has helped me out a lot...Your first blog is really good.  I cannot believe the laws that guy wants to pass.  Yikes.

Oct 04, 2008 01:48 AM
Sylvie Conde
Sutton Group-Associates Realty Inc., Brokerage - Toronto, ON
Broker, Toronto Real Estate

Ross, Welcome to Active Rain.

As far as the politics, well ... I don't know what to say ... we need a new candidate.
Maybe vote for the "Work Less, Earn More" Party? :)

(I hear you guys have a couple of candidates for the 'work less' party up there ... not sure about the 'earn more' part of it.) :)

Oct 04, 2008 03:39 AM
Larry Estabrooks
Independent Real Estate Agent - Moncton, NB
100% representation means NEVER DUAL AGENCY !

Ross, welcome to the active|rain community and the Canada, eh group.

You are now able to include this post in the Canada, eh group.

We'll know our fate in ten days, the day after our Canadian Thanksgiving!

Oct 04, 2008 08:23 AM
C Tann-Starr
Tann Starr & Associates, Inc. - Palm Bay, FL

Ross, welcome to Active Rain. Enjoyed your first post. Looking forward to reading many more. Enjoy your evening. Regards, Carolyn.

Oct 04, 2008 02:19 PM
Steve Hoffacker
Steve Hoffacker LLC - West Palm Beach, FL
Certified Aging In Place Specialist-Instructor


Welcome to Active Rain. Enjoy. Liz introduced you on her site and linked to here. :)


Oct 05, 2008 03:28 AM
Jamie Dumaine-Russell
RE/MAX Alliance - Branford, CT

Hi Ross - Just read your introdution on Liz's blog.  Welcome to Active Rain!  Hope the election turns out in favor for the real estate community.  Looking forward to reading your future posts.

Oct 05, 2008 04:36 PM
Chastity Guevara
Camelot's Quest Realty - Casa Grande, AZ

Ross....I was going to mention the pic, but someone beat me to it.  Welcome to AR...but watch out it can be really addictive!  You are very brave with the politics for a first post, but wtg. 

Oct 06, 2008 04:07 PM
Marie Meyer
Keller Williams Realty - Central Valley, NY
Orange County New York Realtor

Hi Ross ... Welcome!  Thanks for sharing the Canadian election issues ... looking forward to more of your posts.

Oct 09, 2008 05:21 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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    Surf some blogs, leave some comments.  Better yet, post a Blog.

    Best to you!

Mar 15, 2016 12:05 PM