

Real Estate Agent with Tesla Realty Group

I wanted to put together an open discussion here to share everyone's experience handling objections.  What objections have you encountered and how do you overcome them?  

I hope we all can learn and share something here.  This is an area of our business that is critical to our success and is always in a learning process

We all must deal with clients who are indecisive or need some time to think about what they want to do.  However in almost every case it is not really what they want if you take their answer for face value.  Most of the time something else was not explained or what they say can be isolated and fixed so they are happy and ready to want to sign.

Listening is the key to all objections.  If you are talking then you are not listening.  If you are not listening to you client intently, then you do not have your client's best interest at heart.  This business is about caring.  Caring about achieving your clients goals, caring about what your clients has to say, caring about where your client wants to go.  By caring and putting your client's needs first, you work easier and more efficiently.  If a client who is looking to buy says they want to look at more after showing them 15 houses, then you are not listening to their needs.  You have not questioned their wants enough and isolated them.  Isolate and address them with concern.  Then you an pin point why they haven't made an offer yet.

I just came across one of my favorites the old have a friend in the business...

"I have a friend in the business, so I am going to list with them."

First of all, if this is a phone call I always just try and sell the appointment, not the reasons for listing with me at this stage, but in person, is a different story...

In person, Open with some understanding,  I understand your lovalty to friends.  Having friends are so important when helping each other out.  I'm sure you must have a lot of faith in him/her to handle such a big endeavor such as selling your home.  I know my friends are always there to help me also,  Don't you think it's important to separate business from relations?  It's a sure fire way to lose a friend, heck it's hard enough sharing some of this information with my wife, when I have such serous matters that involve my personal information being disclosed and potentially having to bring matters of confrontations that could result in hard or ill feeling between us, I personally would rather have business separate from my friendship.  I know any friend would understand this.  The most difficult thing you will have to say would be I decided to go with XYZ company because I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship doing business with each other.  Would you rather yell at me or yell at your friend?  Don't make any regrets, you know what I'm talking about don't you?.......  Mr client we can do business for just 6 months if in that time I do something you don't like or you want to leave, you can yell at me, fire me and I won't get mad, I'd get upset because I would think I done something wrong but at that time we can discuss a release from any agreement we have.  Let's get your home listed without any other thought so you begin to move forward and sell your home. 

 This works for me and I have some others also I use depending on what the clients says to me I will address it accordingly but only after listening.

 So lets all put some effort to help each other and tell us how you overcome objections.

Funny styles are always welcomed!  Try to keep them clean and focused to real estate! (lol)

It doesn't have to be these objections, use some you have had and it can be the same as someone else's.  The point here we learn by helping each other to do business better.


  • I have a friend in the business...  relative...  neighbor... cowokers wife...
  • Will you take less on your commission?
  • your competitor is taking less commission
  • Why do I need an agent?
  • I want to wait a little while.
  • The counter tops in the kitchen are old.  Roof is old  or any other.
  • I don't want to give my name
  • FSBO If you have a buyer bring them on by I'll pay you a commission.
  • FSBO I want to save money and sell it my self.
  • FSBO I'm on the MLS too
  • Expired The market is bad that's why it didn't sell.
  • Expired  I want to wait a while before I relist it
  • Expired  I meeting with a broker tomorrow evening to relist
  • I had another guy in here and he as doing the same thing as you so why should I hire you?

Hope we get a chuckle and learn something too.

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Dinah Lee Griffey
Windermere Peninsula Properties - Allyn, WA
Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties

Your competitor is taking less on commission.

If commission is your only concern I would call the competitor back, and offer them your business.

What do you expect an Agent to do for the commission I am requesting?

I would then listen to the potential client until they were done talking. Then I would present my marketing plan, and have them initial and date it, because this is what we are agreeing to do. If at any time we feel that this markteing plan should be adjusted we will then call a meeting, and discuss changes. I then have them sign the listing agreement, and let them know that I wil be in contact every week with market updates, and we can discuss how well it is going, and to please call or e-mail me if they have any questions that come up before we meet again.

Oct 03, 2008 05:47 AM
Jasen Edwards
Creator, Good Selling Formula™ - Santa Barbara, CA

OMG Larry!  I could write on this for days!  I just wrote a post on "I want to wait until..."  See it here.

Nov 05, 2008 10:18 AM