The Answer: "Because it gets me clients. It gets me commission checks. What's not to like?" -- Jay Thompson, Thompson's Realty in Phoenix, Arizona
The truth is, when is comes to blogging and social media, the results are going to vary from user to user. But, I'll tell ya this much, the results are real, they are tangible! Just ask Jay Thompson, The Phoenix Real Estate Guy and otherwise known as "the man with a blogging problem;" he's built an entire business on it! Now fair warning, just because he did it doesn't mean it's going to be all 'easy cheesy' for everyone and anyone. It still takes: Hard Work, Consistency, and the ability to be Transparent (to be yourself).
Here's a quick chat with Jay himself...
Now, whether you're writing here on Active Rain or you've built your own outside blog, the important thing is that you're doing something to create a brand name for yourself! The great thing about Active Rain is that the immediate sense of community that is established will help you deal with the pressures of dishing out content. Jay says he "likes writing." But let's face it, many of us don't. In fact, when you first sit down and try to get down to it, you're scared of writing and putting your name out there...but then that's where the A|R community comes in. Active Rain and it's members do an excellent job of helping you cope with the anxieties of "putting yourself out there." They help you find your voice and grow your confidence. That's a good thing to have! Don't ya think?
So, how about it? How has blogging helped you? What are you having trouble with? What's not to like?
Ricardo Bueno
By the way, Join me at Ribeezie for an upcoming series on Social Media Starter Steps in Real Estate.
P.S. Jay Thompson, Kevin Boer and I were featured speakers at the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals 2008 National Marketing Convention & Expo. on a panel titled: Online Social Networking & Blogging for Business. A big THANK YOU to Brian Requarth of for having us and moderating the discussion. I hope you enjoy this quick video with Jay and that it serves as reinforcement for your efforts in engaging with social media. The link will take you to some of the flickr photos from the conference.