
Do your research on-line 1st!

Mortgage and Lending with liberty one

More than ever, consumers start their home buying (or selling) process on-line.

A great idea, and something I recommend. However, I also suggest that you enlist the tools of more specialized and localized professionals, Realtors, neighbors, news outlets, etc... to either confirm or help assimilate all the information on hand.

Real Estate is not (yet) like stocks and bonds. Real Estate is not a commodity. It is a tangible asset. An emotional bond.

Decisions are made with the heart as well as the mind. Numbers are critical. However , for the most part, numbers, charts, graphs alone cannot completely replace the emotional and human aspect to real estate.

I encourage you to use the information on-line

Ryan Shaughnessy
PREA Signature Realty - - Saint Louis, MO
Broker/Attorney - Your Lafayette Square Real Estate Partner

The internet is an amazing tool for starting the process.  It can help narrow the field.  However, it will never replace boots on the ground.  You still need to see what you are buying.  You still need a local real estate professional.  I wouldn't rely on broad national statistics on such things as median prices as real estate is very localized and you may draw the wrong conclusion based on national data that doesn't apply to your market.

Oct 13, 2008 05:02 AM