Salespeople of all types have had a long history of being perceived by the public as "cheesy". Hey, before you shoot the messanger... remember that perception is reality and we have all heard this! I blame it on tried and true techniques that worked at one point, but never changed with the times. All industries must change, grow and adapt otherwise they become obsolete. Sales will never become obsolete so therefore we have a bigger responsibility to the public to really grab hold of what it is they want, and do it that way.
There are however, those salespeople, like myself who are so far from cheesy we completely exist outside that realm. I would never have the guts to try to pull the cheese on someone and sell them something, I would be frankly just a little embarrassed of myself! *chuckle* As a salesperson I actually do not like it when someone tries to "sell" me something because I am always looking for the gimmick behind the sales pitch. So I truly do understand why people are wary of salespeople of all kinds. I hear you, and I get it:) Funny thing is this cheesy-ness seems to really work for some people, but since I know who I am as a buyer, wary at best, I know that the market calls for a niche of salespeople who can think outside the cheese wheel and treat our clients the way we want to be treated. (fat free!)
Recently I decided to bite the bullet and go car shopping. First of all, you should know I did not want to deal with purchasing a new car, the whole idea was scary and daunting, I was worried about being sucked in to some sale by a bone fide "cheesy" salesman and the whole thing was almost too much. I was not even that particular about what I wanted, keeping in mind I know houses, not cars! Since I believe that you should do what you do best and refer the rest, I had to put my faith and trust in a complete stranger. Scary! I voiced my concerns to a friend and fellow realtor who referred me to his car salesman and I have to say, my experience was more than positive! Real estate is clearly a people and sales driven and focused business. I exist inside that world every day and I always try to understand my client's perspective. Now I was on the other side of the conversation and it was a great reminder for me that cheesy has no place on a negotiations table. In fact, I loved it! I loved it because it proved to me that my theories of cutting the cheese out of real estate sales has clearly bled to other sales industries and that a new, refreshing way of doing sales has truly taken hold. The best part? That honesty, integrity, and fun were on the table when working with the car salesperson. A friendly straight shooter from the get go, he wasn't up to any tricks, and I appreciated that. He wasn't afraid to suggest a car I had never thought of, anticipating my needs before I even had to ask, it was a relief to know he knew what I wanted because I really didn't! For the record, I am getting the car he suggested!
Selling and living in a world where I have to be sold on something, cheese free, is an interesting, innovative and frankly refreshing concept that all salespeople should embrace if they haven't already
So fat free selling, cutting out the cheese, seems to be creeping in the back door, of car lots and real estate alike... a refreshing wind of change that will only leave the community at our fingertips able to trust us more, and hopefully leave them happier. Which is an exciting concept to those of us who care about what we do, aren't just in it for the sale, and get a sincere satisfaction out of making the right match... a realtor to her car; a family to their new home. Like I said, sales is really all about the people, and that is where our hearts really lie.
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Sage Executive Group Real Estate - Kelowna, BC
SRES, Realty Executives Okanagan
Happy Thanksgiving Kim! BTW - what car did you get?? And .. where did you find the salesperson? I just may be looking again....
Oct 13, 2008 11:01 AM
HotSpot Property - Winnipeg, MB
Hey Kim. What a refreshing comment. I also can't stand pushy sales people, it just turns me off when they try to use "lines." It's great to know there's agents out there who understand the value of treating each buyer and seller like the real person they are, instead of like a dollar amount or notch in a belt.
Dec 05, 2008 01:41 AM