
Have One on John and Cindy McCain

Home Builder with CDM Construction

Just Curious as to Why no one sees John and Cindy McCain as Murderers and How the Christians can Support what they are doing to America.

At least 500 people are killed every week from alcohol related car accidents. One teenage life is lost every 20 minutes in alcohol related car crashes.

Amazingly, one out of every two people will be involved in an alcohol related accident in his or her lifetime either as the cause of the accident, a byproduct of the accident, or the victim.

Underage drinkers account for 25 percent of the alcohol consumed in the United States, according to a report issued today that says nearly one- third of high school students report binge drinking at least once a month.

 The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States in Washington, D.C., said under the study, each American teenager and young adult who illegally drinks alcohol would have to consume 120 drinks per month to reach the 25 percent consumption figure.

Binge drinking - no matter which type of alcohol - is bad for you. Excessive alcohol is acutely dangerous because of its role in car crashes, violence and other traumatic injury, and is blamed for over 75,000 deaths annually.

An overwhelming favorite:

The study of teenage binge drinkers found that nearly 75 percent mainly or exclusively drank beer, 17 percent focused on liquor and 9 percent were wine drinkers. A binge drinker was defined as someone who had five or more alcoholic drinks on at least one occasion in the last 30 days.

Research showed beer accounted for 67 percent of binge drinks consumed, liquor for 22 percent and wine for 11 percent.

Beer was expected to be high on the list: It accounts for about 55 percent of the alcohol sold in the United States, as measured by the gallon, according to sales tax statistics.

But the fact that beer is such an overwhelming favorite of binge drinkers That perception may help explain why beer is No. 1,  Because of a governmental focus on the dangers of liquor, beer is generally less expensive and easier to get.

I wonder how many of these Pro-Lifers voting for McCain have teenagers drinking Beer or Drink it themselves?

A Vote For John McCain is a Vote to condone the Death of A Teenager every 20 minutes in America.

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Hugh Krone
Weichert Referral Associates - Hamburg, NJ
Realtor, Sussex County NJ

Underage drinking IS illegal, why shouldn't murdering babies be?

Oct 06, 2008 11:47 AM
Earl Barger
CDM Construction - Kingman, AZ

That is your answer to condoning what Cindy and John do for a living?

If they really cared about America or had a clue about your kind of Christianity they would have at least sold the beer company or even better blown it to high hell.

I read  comments from some of you that you rather live in a cave poor than cast a vote for a baby killer but you can walk proudly in to the polls and vote for someone that supports beer drinking and alcoholism. Killing people every 6 minutes and a teenager every 20 minutes. Not to mention most crime domestic violence and child abuse stems from drunkenness.


Oct 06, 2008 11:57 AM
Linda Mae Croom
Topock, AZ
(928) 768-3040


Remember to relax and take a deep breath often when in the political groups. God Bless You.

Oct 06, 2008 06:24 PM
Earl Barger
CDM Construction - Kingman, AZ

thanks for the suggestion.  These republicans especially the Christian ones are pathetic. They attack everyone and refuse to accept the sins of the Mccains.

There is a Special place reserved for them in hell. of that I have NO doubt.

Oct 07, 2008 06:31 AM
Earl Barger
CDM Construction - Kingman, AZ

I guess Hugh is making the excuse that it is okay with him as a Christian that being millionaire's from selling beer is Okay because it is illegal for the underage to be drinking so it isn't John and Cindy's fault they drink.

Well it isn't my fault a woman gets an abortion but you say it is if i don't vote for McCain.

AND what about all the over 21 Beer alcholics and deaths??????

Beer Distributors are GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION!!!!!!!!

That is what you claim about Obama!!!!!

Turn about is Fair play, wouln't you agree?

Oct 07, 2008 10:49 AM
Candace Burgess

So, anyone who sells alcohol is responsible for teenagers drinking alcohol? No, the teenagers and their parents are responsible.

Do you think people who sell cell phones are responsible for the train wreck in California that was caused by the engineer texting while operating the train?

Not logical.

Oct 15, 2008 11:14 AM
Linda Mae Croom
Topock, AZ
(928) 768-3040

I can tell you that for 22 years when in the Pentecostal Church when I was a Restaurant owner in a mountain ski resort town I lost A LOT of Business because I refused as A Christian to even sell alcohol to adults over the age of 21 and I know there are a lot of Christians who support that same philosophy of not selling or serving alcohol.

Why is it Okay with the Christians that John and Cindy are Multi millionaires off of alcohol sales ? They could have sold the business and gone in to another business venture. But NO they are completely ignored because the product they sale is legal. And you want me to believe they have the best interest of Americans and particularly Christians at heart?? Thanks BUT NO Thanks

Excuses Excuses Excuses!

Oct 15, 2008 11:32 AM