
Spanish speaking buyers

Real Estate Agent with American Invsco Realty

It was such a shock to me when I came across a Speaking lead that refused to hire me to find him a home because he thought he was obligated to pay me a fee.  After explaining him how it really works, he was so at ease and was very excited to know he did not have to pay me anything.  This person was very much qualified, had great job history, and credit score, but all this time he was skeptical to hire a real estate agent because he thought it was going to be expensive.  I have done some informational seminars to teach the Speaking community the steps and requirements to owning a home, but there is still a need to inform them throughout the city.  I wish that there were more agents willing to spread information around the city, not to mention the potential income that could be generated by simply informing people! 

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Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

  We invite you back to ActiveRain in 2018!

Much has changed since you last posted to ActiveRain.  I encourage you to take another look at the website.  

  Best to you!

Apr 09, 2018 03:43 PM