Its amazing how fast life can turn around in a negative way so quickly! With unemployment rising and many people not able to afford their mortgages, credit cards, car loans, and even groceries! There is no doubt that even stable incomed people are still causing people to re-evaluate how they spend money. If you watch the market you see darn near every individual and big investment companies pulling their money out of the stock market to try to save the masses amounts of money that have been lost! This is truly a time that many of americans have not seen in their lifetime.
The question you have to ask yourself is... How am I going to react to this once in our lifetime situation? Are you pulling your money out of the stock market and putting it under your mattress like its Armegedon?? Ask yourself if that is the best way to invest for your retirement. Will that money go anywhere? If things get better, did you miss the opportunity? When the economy gets better, stocks rise, home values rise, and everyone is more confident. This is a wierd thing to say but when america becomes for confident (which they will. Thats how we are!) many people will have missed out on many opportunites to become wealthier and that ship will have passed.
Now is the time to make something happen if you are in a stable situation unlike many others. If you were smart and saved money and are ready to make a move, do it NOW. With many foreclosures and bargain priced homes and stocks at 52 week + lows, this is the time to set yourself apart from the crowd. Buy a property and fix it up, rent out properties, or put your money into strong Big Cap Stocks.
Whatever you may do, I hope that you just do it. If you don't do anything at the bottom of a market then you will miss a large opportunity.
Landon Simmons
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